Howard Hughes and the Hairy Tomato

Jul 02, 2017 11:41

Sunny and clear and 84˚F, with the heat index at 85˚F.

Yesterday, I did 1,180 words on "Fairy Tale of Wood Street." I hope to be able to finish it by Tuesday afternoon. And Spooky and I have to get to work on the ms. for the twentieth anniversary edition of Silk.

The mailman brought my contributor's copy of The Best of Subterranean, a massive volume with a Dave McKean cover, which includes my World Fantasy Award-winning story, "The Prayer of Ninety Cats."

Last night, we saw Bong Joon-ho's new film, Okja, which was brilliant and sad and horrible and joyful, all at once. The hippopotapig is my new favorite animal. And then we watched the first episode of The Mist TV series, which was wretched in just about every way anything on television can be wretched, and while I'll never get that forty-seven minutes back, at least the episode was free. And after that we started watching The OA, which I think has the potential to be very good. And then I RPed with stsisyphus and setsuled until a little after two a.m. And that was yesterday.

Later Taters,
Aunt Beast

5:47 p.m.

the oa, the mist, subterranean press, good movies, awards, bad tv, rping, "the prayer of ninety cats, silk, okja, "fairy tale of wood street", dave mckean, good tv

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