"And it all breaks down at the role reversal."

Apr 11, 2017 11:30

So, this is my first post directly to Deamwidth, which I'll mirror (crosspost) at LiveJournal, as per my announcement yesterday. And right now I am, no surprise, not happy with this new home. I'm a lot of fiddling away from an acceptable format, and the user interface is alien to me. But I know I'll get used to it in time. Once upon a time, LiveJournal was alien to me. We do what is required of us.

The weather is good today. Currently, it's sunny and 66˚F. The window in my office is open wide, letting in clean, fresh air.

Yesterday, I wrote 1,013 words on a new piece for Sirenia Digest #135 that I'm calling "In the Flat Field." Right now, I'm not exactly sure what's going on with it, and I need to figure that out quickly. But it isn't helping that I probably only slept about three hours last night.

Resistance, Peace, and Compassion,
Aunt Beast

5:52 p.m.

#135, in exile, "in the flat field", not enough sleep, warmer weather, insomnia, blogging long-term, dreamwidth

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