Cold and sunny with clouds today. Currently, it's 35˚F, with the windchill at 30˚F, which is a sight better than when I woke an hour ago.
My thanks to everyone who offered to help with the OCR problem on
The Red Tree* (and there were several of you), but
Centipede Press has the matter under control. I just have to send a copy of the paperback (the mmp, 2010) to Jerad. We had to go to the storage unit in Pawtucket yesterday to retrieve one. Actually, we had to go twice, because the first time we forgot the keys and didn't realize we'd forgotten the keys until we were only about three blocks from the place. I had a doctor's appointment after that, and everything appears to be fine.
Before breakfast, I almost summoned the requisite nerve to write about what went wrong with Dark Horse in 2013, but then I lost the requisite nerve. So, maybe another day.
Today, I need to write. It's been many, many days.
Please have a look at
the current eBay auctions, because I'd like to get Spooky something for Xmas. Thank you.
I have a photo, which pretty much sums up Pawtucket in the winter (and much of Providence, for that matter):
Aunt Beast
* If you're a fan of the novel and have never written a review for Amazon, please consider doing so. It's got some really idiotic one- and two-star reviews the last few months. I don't relish the prospect of seeing the book drop below four stars.