Detox, Day 3. I awoke to unexpected, which is likely the best sort of sun. Currently, it's 67˚F in Providence.
Yesterday, I did 1,269 words, adding T ("is for Tattoo"), U ("is for Unravel"), V ("is for Vulva"), and W ("is for Wolpertinger"). Today, I'll finish The Chartreuse Alphabet, and Part 2 will appear in Sirenia Digest #129.
After making the trip to Amherst and visiting the successor to the Pratt Museum, "From Cabinet 34, Drawer 6" has been on my mind. So, I thought I'd share John Kenn Mortensen's illustration for the story, from Houses Under the Sea: Mythos Tales:
Please have a look at
the current eBay auctions.
Aunt Beast