Howard Hughes, In Exile

Jan 26, 2016 12:35

Some clouds today, some sun. Currently, we're at 47˚F, with a windchill of 39˚F, so the snow will be melting quickly today.

Another good writing day yesterday. I did 1,053 words on "Build Your Houses With Their Backs To the Sea."

Just before last night, it occurred to me that if someone were fifteen years old when I began this blog, they'd likely be close to thirty now. That's how long I've been doing this, first at Blogger, then at Blogger and LJ, and now only at LJ. Almost every day of my life for the past fourteen years, two months, and two days (or 5,176 days) has an entry. My fifteen-year anniversary as a blogger will be November 24th, 2016. How does one celebrate something like that?

Please have a look at the current eBay entries. Thank you. They include a copy of Fată înecându-se: O autobiografie, the Romanian edition of The Drowning Girl: A Memoir. I was only given three copies, so it's very likely this will be the only copy we ever auction.

I still haven't been sent a copy of the Polish edition, though it was published well over a year ago. It has a gorgeous cover, though. And did I ever mention that my Brazilian publisher has purchased Portuguese-language rights to Two Worlds and In Between: The Best of Caitlín R. Kiernan (Volume One)? Well, they have. At least I'm big in Brazil.

“To ask a novelist to talk about his writing is like asking somebody to cook about their dancing.” ~ Jim Crace

For dinner last night Spooky made collards to go with the leftover black-eyed peas, and we watched the next episode of The X-Files, which I enjoyed even more than Sunday night's episode. We're also working our way through the final season of That '70s Show. I have to say that "Fun It" (8:7, aired 12/14/05) is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television.

Oh, and at 2:20 a.m., Spooky went outside in the cold and the snow to breakup a cat fight. The sort between actual felines, I mean.

Aunt Beast

brazil, romania, that 70s show, the drowning girl, foreign editions, cats, 2001, "electronaut's ovid", blogging long-term, jim crace, poland, the x-files, "build your houses", good tv, "best of crk" project

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