Too Blue, Too Low

Oct 23, 2015 12:47

It's become strange, somehow, sitting down to write here. After so many thousands of entries, how can it seem anything but familiar?

The sky is wide and carnivorous this afternoon. Currently, it's only 52˚F, but at least the sun is shining. Though, if there were clouds at least I wouldn't have to see that sky, and it wouldn't be watching me.

There's an entry that I need to make about how bad things have gotten, how everything got so horribly off track back in the late winter of 2012 and has stayed off track. I've lost an awful lot of the last three years. I've written only a fraction of what I ought to have written during that time, and an awful lot of what I did write was far, far below the standards to which I hold myself. I want to write an entry about that, but it won't be this morning. This morning I'm not quite awake. But now you know it's coming.

Yesterday, Kathryn and I saw Guillermo del Toro's beautiful Crimson Peak. My gods, what a feast for the eyes! This film is sexy on every level. A great cast and a world that leaks across the screen like bloody red clay and butterfly wings, like cold air and fallen leaves. Imagine how Angela Carter might have crossed "La Barbe bleue" with "The Fall of the House of Usher" and you're partway there. Truly, I loved this film. No, it's isn't startlingly original. It isn't meant to be. This is a story that must be familiar on every imaginable level: the fairy tale, the Gothic novel, the murder ballad, and grisly folklore. It's all been said before. All we can do is continually move the pieces about. And with Crimson Peak del Toro has found a startlingly powerful configuration. See this film, if you can.

Oh, and night before last we watched Robert Zemeckis' Back to the Future, which I'd not seen since the summer of 1985, the month it was released. The film holds up much better than I'd expected, though poor Marty McFly manages to be the least interesting character in the film. Christopher Lloyd steals the show, as he always has and always will. Anyway, Kathryn and I figured if NASA could take time out to tweet about Back to the Future, the least we could do is mark October 21, 2015 by seeing it again.

Issue 117 of Sirenia Digest went out to subscribers last night. I hope you enjoy (if you're a subscriber).

Here are a few bits from Facebook:

It's clear that the racist dickbags who howl about "white genocide" have no idea what the word "genocide" actually means. (October 22)

~ and ~

Currently, there are people doing their best to ruin the words "conversation" and "narrative" for all future generations. (October 21)

~ and ~

I have just learned what "sideways cowgirl" means. Kids these days. (October 20)

~ and ~

I must have known, once upon a time, how rare green eyes are. At only ~2.0% worldwide, they're the least common human eye color. I have green eyes. (October 20)

~ and ~

I have spent seven long years learning the unforgiving lessons of latitude. (October 15)

And that's enough for now.

Later Taters,
Aunt Beast

latitude, 1985, language in the hands of idiots, crimson peak, del toro, green eyes, racism, the wide carnivorous sky, back to the future

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