
Apr 21, 2006 10:37

Yo people, i knows i havent been on for very long, but tis spring break so bite me. *evil grins* Okay, so heres the dish!!! Okay, so tomorrow is my one year anniversry with my boyfriend Andy, as some of u might know, and he's taking me out ta dinner, Japanese or Chinese...i havent figured that part out yet...but thats where he took me to on our first date so yea, thats where he's taking me.
Okay, spring break is here and i'm bored outta my mind and thats just sad since i'm on spring break.....BUT ITS MY BROS FALT!!! he didnt deliver my...erm...FUN drinks....*hint hint*

Anyways, erm, ya, go back to school monday, thats gonna suck the big one!

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