Old Stuff 7: The Baptism

May 24, 2007 17:50

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Baptism
Current mood: mellow

The Baptism--

Get home from school, all i want to do is sleep. Hit the bed sit back, and think about what i've done all week. Nothing comes to mind, and that's the trouble you see. I'm sick of not knowing, the purpose of Lee. I find myself relaxed, eventhough i'm so stressed. I'm not that tired, but i just need rest. So my breathing gets heavy and my eyes close tight, moments after i, turn off the light. I'm thinking about many things, mostly school, the fight, and cheering up this girl. Lately i've been picturing myself holding up the whole world. But i'm slowly losing my grip, and it's starting to annoy. I'm finding that with all this pressure, even the small things in life i can no longer enjoy. By now i'm trying to wake myself up, so i can forget this dream. All i can hear is the loudness of my own scream. My life right now is complicated, and it's pissing me off. First school, now the cops? And why this damn cough? All i want is to be happy........and i know what that will take to do it. I've got to do whatever i want, that's all there is to it. So i sit up from the bed, wipe my eyes and sigh.......look out my window and see it's raining outside. Put on some shorts and walk out the door and, into the yard. Stand and look up at the clouds as it starts to pour hard. The rain washes my pain and my sorrows away, and cleanses my spirit for another few days. Baptised by rain from the sky, i watch overhead as the clouds pass by. I feel incredible, all my problems extinguished.......my body replentished. I stay in the rain until it's finished. Some people say my ephiphany was against the norm. Just remember life is all about how you prepare for the storm.

Rain, rain, go away........come again another day.

Fuck that...........let it rain.

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