OOC: Info update

Aug 24, 2006 12:08

I updated Grey's user info with a little bit about his powers:

"Things Grey can do: Change shape, sense things that are holy or have been consecrated to a deity, pick up scents much better than a human being, see in dim light, survive very cold temperatures, resist human diseases.

Things Grey can do in his wolf form: All of the above, plus kill deer with one chomp, survive insanely cold temperatures, run for a long time, talk, talk to wolves and other canids."

He gets these powers because he is a mythological being. If you want to be really technical they are innate (and perhaps semi-divine) magical abilities. I also assume that he should be able to perceive those creatures whose only concealment is the fact that humans want to ignore them, for example, most of the fae things in Charles DeLint stories. (If this came up with another PC I would of course ask permission before going "Aha! I see you!")

Grey is a Jotun, aka Frost Giant, and there was a lot of "crossover" between the Norse gods and the Frost Giants. Some of them were even worshiped the same way the gods were, or became gods by marriage, which is why I say he is semi-divine. My personal myth fanon says that when you pray to a god they hear you on some level. If Grey were to get followers he would be able to hear them call upon him.

This is just my take on things and I don't expect other players of mythological beings to agree with me on all of it.

abilities, ooc

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