Jan 27, 2009 09:23
Decluttering my life is HARD! Whoa-boy! Who knew a person could be so attached to silly little things. I've been progressively tossing things that have no business being in my apartment in preparation for having to move one day. Who knows when that is, but gosh, I don't want to deal with all that stuff when the day comes.
...this is what I mean.
I also have a buttload of letters from people (not halloween cards, but real letters). I think I'll get those photo boxes (The Christmas Tree Shoppe has them for $1.99) and make one for letters. Oh gosh, my pictures are ANOTHER story...why did I keep so many silly, pointless pictures? Well, I read an article taht seemed to make sense to me--if I look at the picture and it doesn't in some way make me happy or thoughtful, it's okay to get rid of it. I like it. I'm going to do it.
I'm also going to start editing my freaking novel. In my defense, I have to finish reading the book on the history of Vaudeville so I can get my details right. I'm halfway through and it's a wonderfully easy read.
I will post a link to my wordpress blog when I start editing--updates will be kept there. It's where I'm tracking the progress on my OTHER novel and soon the collection of short stories I've been working on for a year. Whew! Gotta get it all done before I think about going on tour--because then there'll be NO time!