(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 10:48

Every smoker knows the small pleasure of having their very own gas station. Nonsmokers could never understand, but the fact remains: when you're buying the same thing from the same place every single day, your bound to find the one place that suits you more than the others.

Mine was Speedway. Speedway had two cute guys working there, so it became natural for me to prefer it over UDF or Circle K. After living here this summer, I became part of the in-crowd, and my cigarettes would be waiting for me on the counter by the time I parked my car there in the first place. I knew everyone's name, everone knew mine and you could always jump into the middle of a funny conversation anytime walked through the doors. Ryan, the cute Speedway guy, and I would have wonderfully uncomfortable small talk. Everyone was happy.

But Speedway is remodeling until December, forcing me across the street to Circle K. I decided to give it a chance, and the lady at the counter was nice enough to let me know about the 3-pack discount deal (which includes a free lighter!) and the frequent coffee card. But the store is too imtimidatingly big and their hot chocolate machine tastes like burnt coffee, even if the 6th cup is free with my card.

I am not happy.
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