HUSSEIN IS EXECUTED: Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity Saddam Hussein: A Dictator Created Then Destroyed By America Isn't hanging someone a crime against humanity??
There are only three states in the Union that still use hanging as their 'preferred' form of execution.
The search for a "humane" way of killing people should be seen for what it is -- a search to make executions more palatable to those carrying out the killing, to the governments which wish to appear humane, and to the public in whose name the killing is to be carried out. -Amnesty International
Not only is hanging inhumane, like any other form of capital punishment, it is older and 'antiquated.' Problems often attend hanging: If the drop is too short, death comes through gradual strangulation; if too long, the jerk of the rope rips the head off. Electrocution succeeded hanging in the early 20th century. -ACLU