- Exit Stage Left completed in 9 parts [October 16] | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- The River posted [October 13] | 1 2
- Crisisland posted [October 15] | 1 2
- The Human Flaw completed in 1 part [October 17] | 1
- Master list posted here. [October 20]
- Three Suyin drabbles posted [October 21] | link
- Chronos posted [October 21] | link
- Incubus. Chapter 11 posted [October 26] | link
- We Were Kings posted [October 27] | 1 2
Wow, I was on fire in October...
November will hopefully see more We Were Kings, a new original fiction story called Black Cats teaser
here (which I think will be member locked but more on that later), and hopefully one more Taecyeon/Yuri one-shot.
♥ To the new month