We have a date. Jan 20th (so nearly a cool date - 20/1/2010, just missing that extra zero - but it's probably a bit much to ask Ali to hold on another 9 months just to get to 20/10/2010). 8am we're booked in for, clearly they weren't thinking about daddy when this booking was made. I'm glad it's early though; otherwise we'd sit and worry all day -
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Will be thinking of you on the 20th, hope all goes well.
Hitchin seems to command a bit of a premium when it comes to renting; it's on the fast line to Kings X (30 mins). There's a lot of people earning London weighted salaries who can afford to skew the rental market.
But I guess it's people like Ali and I that bump up the prices in exchange for convenience. I like being able to walk to work (apart from when it snows and I still have to come in!) and come home at lunch, Ali wants to be able to do lots of baby group stuff to meet people etc - so here we are. In the long run we want to settle in the countryside, but for now it's worth the premium to be where we are.
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