I know there's been recent discussion in the posts/comments of assorted friends regarding the McCanns; more specifically the media's treatment of them. There was a noticeable point when the tabloids, up until then the standard bearers of the "Find Madeline" movement, began to turn the knives on the parents. It began with salacious reporting of the "heinous accusations" levelled against them by unscrupulous foreign rags; basically the UK press feigning outrage for the excuse to print all this utterly unfounded guff that the McCann's might be swingers etc.
Then, suddenly, everything went off. Accusations started flying, the tone of the tabloids became openly hostile, and their internet forums exploded with bizarre conspiracy theories including one linked to by
hano involving - I shit you not -
the IRA being complicit.
I pretty much that thought that was the nadir of this affair, but it appears the British press can still astonish even a cynical man like myself. I offer you the
cover of this weeks OK Magazine.
Unbe-fucking-lievable. Even the celebs are hopping on the bandwagon. First, monster-titted brain donor Jordan offers up her take on it - apparently she'd never leave her kids on their own. This from the mother alleged to have kept her blind, handicapped son occupied whilst she recorded her album by scattering crisps across the floor of the recording studio, and letting him crawl round eating them. Even more astonishing, we have serial clusterfuck Kerry Katona - the only woman on the planet who makes Jordan look like an intellectual heavyhitter - weighing into the debate; surprise surprise, she's similarly critical of the McCanns. Are we seriously supposed to take parenting advice from a woman who nearly lost custody of her kids a couple of years ago thanks to being a class-A drugs dyson, and who only last month
refused to take a drugs test as part of ongoing custody issues? Seriously? Fuck me. I'm lost for words.
Absolutely astonishing. And if all that weren't enough, looking at the bottom left picture I can only assume Kate McCann has been having an affair with David Beckham as well.