Aug 05, 2007 21:37
Let's add to the list, shall we?
Driving to the ferry, smoke starts streaming out from 'neath my hood. Get to the ferry, open up the hood, and the hose from the radiator to the engine has a giant crack in it. Thank god, relatively small problem, relatively short distance from ferry to home. But still, pain in the ass. Have to go get a bucket of water from the snack bar and fill up my radiator again, while Helpful Guy #5 (seriously, there were about 8 people who came to offer help. all men.) patches the hose with a heat-resistant rubber glove.
Get on ferry, get attacked by Giant Migraine From Hell. Thank god the snack bar sells tylenol now.
Get home. Back door is unlocked, but the front door, and the door between my sunroom and the rest of the house are both locked. I have keys for neither.
Nice. Thanks, asshole.
Have to open the window between the sunroom and the kitchen (thank god that's there, or I'd be fucked) and climb through to unlock my door so I can get to the rest of the house.
>.< !!!!!!! #$*&^%$#&^$*##$$##!^&&*ARGH!!!!!
Oh, and when I got home, kittens had knocked over yet another plant onto my bed, spread giant amounts of dirt all over my WHITE duvet, and shredded most of the leaves of said plant.
I'm going to let loose a well-justified WHY ME?!?!?!?!!!?!!!??