Mar 22, 2014 23:38
[olli]> 1984 is just the way you do: I disagree with you on treatment of law and other things. You ban me.
[olli]> I explained my position in my blog.
[olli]> And hope it will make some of people think.
[olli]> Figz, I'm not about wining friends. The real friends are people from childhood. Their friendship is proven by years.
[olli]> If you're about these friends in social networks.. So I just treat them as good familiars.
[olli]> As about my blog at all:
[olli]> For years I put on my blog things that have self-contained meaning. I mean that life is too short. When you type something that has sense - you should open it for people.
[olli]> Anything said is public.
[olli]> That's a security thing.
[olli]> Once you said something - be ready to get strike back.
[olli]> Recent ban is good example.
[olli]> Some times your words strike back much later.
[olli]> So when you all are talking in irc or other old-plain-insecure-without-forward-secrecy - be ready that everyone on the globe will be able to read strike back.
[olli]> correction: So when you all are talking in irc or via other old-plain-insecure-without-forward-secrecy protocol - be ready that everyone on the globe will be able to read and strike back in real world.