I have to agree with you there. It's like ze truth was thrown out ze window. Well, it can't be as bad as a week with no food or Christmas in July.
Not a problem. I believe I've seen you once or twice before. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I am ze Spy and if you require any sort of assistance here in Mayfield, I will do what I can to help out.
I wouldn't worry over what might come in ze future. Instead, it would be wise to seek out answers and possible ways of stopping ze drones and events.
[Spy can't help but a laugh a little when he hears that sound.]
A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grant. It's no trouble at all to extend such offers to ze normal citizens of Mayfield. Working together seems to be ze only way to get anything done around here.
As of late, ze drones. In my former life, I gathered information to assist my teammates, and I continue to do so here as well.
I'm living with one of the bloody things right now, supposed to be my 'wife'. Downright creepy, she is. I'm all for getting out of here, or whatever can be done. It seems like there is some organization toward this, but nothing concrete has been set.
Sounds something like what I did. I gathered information and then made it available through free press. I ended up caught a few times, but that's the price you pay.
Force her into ze closet. Zat's what I did with mine until she was replaced with a 'real' wife. You can order ze drone wife to do some absurd things, for what I call tell.
It sounds like my work. I was paid in advance to find information, but ze same risks apply to zat sort of work.
Gabriel is it. So, have you been adjusting alright to Mayfield?
That's a creative idea. [And it is--but he won't do it, even if they are... well. They seem to have rudimentary intelligence. Sort of.] I've just tried to avoid her.
Um. I've drank a lot of wine, read a lot of utterly nonsensical books, met a few people. Ah, and I have an office job. Still have no idea what we do, except for crunch numbers.
It sounds like you've discovered ze unnecessary photographs or television programs.
I haven't seen the photographs yet. That's next.
They're annoying at best. If you want, I can give you a hand?
Ah. Thanks. I think I'm going to take a walk later and collect them, though. Take a look around the town.
Not a problem. I believe I've seen you once or twice before. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I am ze Spy and if you require any sort of assistance here in Mayfield, I will do what I can to help out.
[There may be the sound of knuckles rapping on wood. Never hurts to be superstitious.]
I'm Gabriel Grant, lovely to meet you. And thanks for the offer, and consider it returned in kind to you as well.
[He blinks.]
What do you spy on?
[Spy can't help but a laugh a little when he hears that sound.]
A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grant. It's no trouble at all to extend such offers to ze normal citizens of Mayfield. Working together seems to be ze only way to get anything done around here.
As of late, ze drones. In my former life, I gathered information to assist my teammates, and I continue to do so here as well.
Sounds something like what I did. I gathered information and then made it available through free press. I ended up caught a few times, but that's the price you pay.
And call me Gabriel.
It sounds like my work. I was paid in advance to find information, but ze same risks apply to zat sort of work.
Gabriel is it. So, have you been adjusting alright to Mayfield?
Um. I've drank a lot of wine, read a lot of utterly nonsensical books, met a few people. Ah, and I have an office job. Still have no idea what we do, except for crunch numbers.
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