Two steps forward, one step back

Aug 28, 2009 21:42

At last, I've started on another chapter of one of my remaining HP fanfics that still need to be finished. It's taken me a while to get back into the swing of things, but I'm happy I did it because the muse has been kind enough to throw me a few more bones and give me a bit more to add to the plot.

The strange thing is, I'm always slightly worried that I won't be able to get my writing going again or it won't come up to the standards it needs to be at. I suppose I'm just getting paranoid in my old age... It amazes me how there are so many people who are talented in various arts such as music, painting/drawing, designing, etc. and how people can still manage to be original if they try. I guess it's that unique part of us that shines through it all.

Some good news: I've bought the BBC adaption of Elizabeth Gaskell's Cranford, which should be an interesting watch. I'm still in the middle of reading her North and South, and it's making me think and write in that Austen-y style. *g* Such long-winded sentences about the simplest of subjects, which ends up making one look particularly pompous in the face of society and outright anachronistic in this particular day and age when one should really be typing in chatspeak and forget all about grammar, punctuation and capital letters. There, I did it.

Now, it's back to work!

writing, update, fanfiction

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