
Apr 06, 2008 20:08

So! While Grey has been avoiding Sanctuary after being thoroughly freaked out by Aunamee, trying without success to figure out a way to kill him that he won't see coming a mile away (damn psychic freaks) an 18 year old alternate of him as been visiting! But now he's dead.

* Garen is visibly disappointed.
* Pen glances up.

Hey... um.
"Hmm?" She's furiously typing but she'll stop.

Never mind. ^^;
* Garen saw the spark, but is going to pretend that he didn't.
* Grey[18] PINS in!
* Grey[18] saw nothing. Awe.
* Garen is, for the record, not terribly clean. Not quite as bad as last time he was here, but he still hasn't washed in a few days.

Hey Grey. *small wave*
* Grey[18] looked almost bored until he noticed Pen. He grins a bit. "Hello."
* Jess_Byrd glances at her empty mug and sighs. She needs more coffee. Hey guys watch this. A green cartoony hand materilizes pickks up Jess's mug and floats on over to the coffee table. Sets the mug down and pours her a mug. She thinks about it then shrugs. The hand picks the mug back up and carrys it back to her table and sets it down.
* Pen chokes a little.
* Grey[18] is... staring. Hello.
* Garen stares. Then blinks. And stares some more.
* Jess_Byrd acts as if nothing happened! Though she's totally giggling like an idiot in her head.
Um... I hope you don't mind me asking this, but.. What are you?
* Pen slips out his notebook and starts writing.
"Human. Why?" But she has green skin and dark green hair. That IS weird.
Are you sure?

Hey, is it un-PC if I ask for a blood sample or something?
* Grey[18] grins.
"Well. I do have a few extra things going for me." She'll take a sip of her coffee. Oh this is good stuff.
* Pen is asking Jess, of course.
[One of the doors opens and out comes a rather petite, obviously inhuman snakey-bird lady. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v121/cicatrix_zero/Lancopy.jpg ]
* Grey[18] will just be staring again. Excuse him.
"Oh?  Hello."  It's been a while since she's been in here.  Look at all the new faces.
'llo. *Grin*
* Garen is trying not to stare. Unsuccessfully. "Uh... hi?"

Hey ^^
* Jess_Byrd stares at Pen. "It might be. And I don't give out blood samples unless you're my doctor."
* Grey[18] frowns at Jess. Oh come on, it's just blood :P
* PaleStranger wanders in. Same pale man in a dark suit. La.
* Lan heads for the kitchen to get a jar of honey.  :>~

...Oh. Sorry if I offended you.
* Garen tries to sink lower into the couch as the Stranger comes in. He's not here, yo.
* Pen fidgets and goes to the coffee.
"It's ok. Give me a good reason and I might."
* PaleStranger sees you there, Garen. Walks up.* Boo.
* Grey[18] rocks on his feet a little, shoving his hands in his lab coat pockets.

Haha *awkward laugh* It's just for curiosity.

I mean, I'm... *raises his hands defensively* completely baseline human. It's interesting to me.
* Garen winces. "... Hi?"
* Garen squeaked a bit on that.
* PaleStranger grins. It's such a cheerful grin.* Hello.

*He heads to the bar to get a drink.  Doot doot.*
* Garen gulps some more of his beer. Very very nervous here.
"Hmm. Well. If you show me your findings? I was a baseline human before this...Thing happened. People were exposed to something and some of us took on perminate characteristics of costumes. I ended up getting a giant power sorce shoved in my body too." B| "I'd like to see if you find anything. Deal?"
* Grey[18] grins at Pen.

Oh! Definitely. :)

Would you like to do it now?
* Jess_Byrd smies and rolls up her sleeve. "All right. I'm not sure if the AVF will let you do that here. So should we step outside?"
* Terana is now known as Lama
* Pen smiles pleasantly. "Outside sounds great."

Shall we?
* Lama tumbles in, with a yelp!  A young girl (maybe sixteen?), dark-skinned, in dusty, obviously scavenged robes and an equally-secondhand headscarf.  http://community.livejournal.com/hollow_art/296918.html
* Lan has already found a jar of honey and a place to sit.  Mmm, honey.
* Jess_Byrd nods and sets her coffee down. She'll follow Pen outside
* Pen goes outside!
* Grey[18] tilts his head curiously at Lan and her choice of food.
* Lama says something in what some may be able to identify as Arabic, wide-eyed.  [What is this!?]
* Lan happily eats honey by the spoonful.
* Grey[18] clicks his tongue, glancing at Lama and then... at the door to the yard. Hm. He fumbles in his pocket a moment and PINs out.
* Lan responds!  [It's the Sanctuary.  It's safe.]
* PaleStranger smiles cheerfully at the newcomer and waves.*
* Garen glances over at the Stranger, then climbs out his couch-hollow to kneel near Lama. "[It's the Nexus. Where are you from?]"
* Lan is a little amused that Arabic has become the local lingua franca.  [A crossroads between worlds.  I'm Lan.]
* PaleStranger has a drink and shall now find sofaspace. HaHA. This sofa is now his.*
[That man, he -- he disappeared.]  *by some miracle, does not seem to be quite panicking*  [Between -- worlds?]
* Garen actually doesn't recognize that it's Arabic. He hasn't heard Arabic in so long that all he knows is that it isn't English.
[Sort of like... Say there are lots of worlds, and there're ways of getting from one to the other. This place is in between all of them.]
* Lan nods and chirps.

* Jess_Byrd has followed Pen outside.
* Pen is unwrapping a sterile kit as he goes. He'll lead her to the gazebo. "Do you want to sit?"
* Jess_Byrd nods. "Yeah might be besyt. She'll sit down and prop her arm up so he can get at it.

Thank you again. When you have time, it might help if you could tell me more of what happened. I mean, you could even write it down. You don't need to say it.
* Pen carefully cleans her upper arm.
* Grey[18Yard] is... suddenly there. Behind Pen and in the entrance to the gazebo. He's holding a katana. Hello. "Pen..." He smiles. "Heads up." He swings the blade at him.
* Pen nearly stabs Jess in the arm with the needle (!) but he wheels around and topples over, if barely avoiding the blade. WHAT. AH.
* Jess_Byrd nods. "Yeah. It's complicated but I could explain. What we didn't know at the time is that a group of alien archologists had activated a dvice by mistake. Somehow it set something off that can warp reality depending on what people are thinking about...And it hit a comic book convention. We ended up thinking we were super heroes we had dressed as...About twenty of us actu...What are you doing!?"
* Grey[18Yard] grins and flips the blade, intending to impale Pen on the floor.
* Jess_Byrd thinks about it. Should she step between them...or no. >_>;;
* Pen yelps and rolls out of the way. ACKS. ACKS ACKS.

* Jess_Byrd glances between them and if Pen will let her? She'll pull him inside her force fiield so he's safe. Force fields are nice.
* Grey[18Yard] snickers, taking a moment to pull the sword back out from between the slats in the gazebo floor. "Isn't it obvious? Killing you." He grins unpleasantly and makes another swing for Pen.
* Pen will totally let himself get inside a force field, oh my god YE-- ...oh shit. He's only so far into it when the blade is coming down again. It catches his arm, tearing his shirt and drawing... quite a healthy amount of blood. Hello there.
* Pen withdraws completely into it, luckily enough, wide-eyed.
"Aw shit." He's /bleeding/.
* Grey[18Yard] makes a swing at the forcefield. "This is between /us/." He growls. "Release him."

* Jess_Byrd not her though. Force field.

I don't even know what... what's between us? What are you -doing?-
* Jess_Byrd just watches as the sord connects with it. "I don't think so. You can't just attack people."

I'm glad s-someone here has some -sense-... o-ow...
* Grey[18Yard] swings again with a snarl, trying to break through it. "You're in the /way/." He hisses.
* Pen digs around for his PINpoint with his uninjured hand. "T-thank you."
* Pen flinches.
"You're welcome. Get somewhere safe please. It'll hold. He doesn't know how to disrupt this."
* Jess_Byrd isn't about to tell them that her weakness is WOOD. He could hit her with a standard wooden baseball bat.
* Grey[18Yard] could hit her with part of the frickin' gazebo.
* Grey[18Yard] has no idea though :(
* Pen has got his PINpoint. Nice. "T-take care, please." Aand he disappears.
(( True!))
* Jess_Byrd will! She'll eye Grey though and plan to go back in now.
* Grey[18Yard] snarls furiously but backs off. No sense hitting a force field.
* Grey[18Yard] glares at Jess. He's going to kill you for this. Just you wait.
* Jess_Byrd stares at him. You're crazy Grey. She'll turn away and walk back inside.
* Grey[18Yard] 's grip on the katana is white knuckled. You ruined /everything/ Jess. Just you wait.
* Aunamee is here quite suddenly, out in front of the gazebo.
* Grey[18Yard] jolts when, suddenly, someone else is there. "..../You/." He spits. There's a sliiight tremble in his voice.
* Aunamee is also holding a sword, not unlike Grey's. He balances it on the earth, tip down, holding the edge with just a few fingers.
Oh, Grey. What on earth do you think you're doing?
* Grey[18Yard] keeps his tightened grip on his sword, holding in front of him. He's trembling slightly. "I'm s-sure you /know/." A half-hysterical giggle escapes him. Ohgod.
I think it's honestly ridiculous. He dies, then what?
* Aunamee takes a step forward, sliding the sword with him, holding it just above the ground. He's like a dancer.
* Grey[18Yard] opens his mouth and then closes it. Then /you/ die. That's what he wanted to say. Of course... it could be in reverse too. His breath catches and before he really knows what he's doing... he's charging at Aunamee.
* Aunamee has thoughts, you see-- thoughts that flutter in three seconds too soon, warnings even-- and so he knows when Grey'll charge, and how long it'll take him to get there. He raises his blade, snagging it on Grey's.
* Grey[18Yard] grits his teeth and presses forward against the locked blades. "I'll kill you." He laughs, high and shaky, "I'll kill /both/ of you."
* Aunamee lowers his blade and steps back out of range.
You won't.
* Grey[18Yard] twitches as the other man pulls away. Always so calm and collected. He'll make you bleed and /scream/ Aunamee. He raises his blade and darts forward, surprisingly nimble as he makes a slash for the other man.
* Aunamee doesn't step back. He doesn't lift his blade either-- in fact, he just lets Grey -hit- him, and the blade slashes down his torso. The blood is incredible, and his white-collared shirt is quickly becoming drenched in red.
* Aunamee shudders a little, but otherwise has no reaction. In fact, you'd think he was perfectly all right.
You won't.
* Aunamee is -entirely unaffected by the hole in him.-
* Grey[18Yard] isn't so stupid as to look trumphant. Something isn't right here. This hit was /allowed/ for some reason. It didn't even seem to bother the man. He pales, looking between his sword and Aunamee. "How...?" It comes out weakly. Maybe he'd still bleed to death. Maybe...
* Aunamee is inches from of Grey all of a sudden-- BAM, whirlwind-- and he touches his fingers to the boy's temples, palm resting against his forehead. Grey might find out-- very shortly, in fact-- that he's rapidly losing the energy to move.
* Aunamee is something more than human. That much is obvious.
* Aunamee smiles.
* Grey[18Yard] jerks like Aunamee's shot him as the man presses his hands and fingers against his head... but then he can't move. He just... can't seem to move. His eyes go very, very wide.
* Grey[18Yard] 's eyes lose focus almost immediately, the katana slipping from his fingers to fall uselessly against the ground. The tension in his muscles eases visibly.
* Grey[18Yard] blinks slowly. "Yes?"
* Aunamee smiles. He takes his arm gently and leads him inside.
* Grey[18Yard] follows without another word. Hah.

* Aunamee is a young man-- early twenties, probably-- completely -drenched- in blood. He's got a long cut down his once perfectly white shirt... which is probably the source of all the nice, sticky red stuff. Aside from a few uneven steps, however, he's... looking all right. Huh. Er.
* Aunamee has Grey with him.
* Lama sets aside the plate.
* Lama stands.
"I think it's time to go."
* Grey[18Yard] is following Aunamee! His eyes look a little unfocused but other than that he looks a-ok.
* Lama ... picks up the plate again, after half a moment's consideration.
* Lama RUNS.
"Gabriel, you're welcome to stay here, but I'm going to slip out."
Okay... *he gets up with her, actually.  people here are odd.*
* SuiginYuuki raises her eyebrows, and the visible eye goes wide. She very nearly bites off the end of her bottle. Instead she just gets momentary tremendous mouth pain. Ow. "... get in a fight, did you," she says once she recovers her wits.
* Gabriel wanders out with her. omg.
It isn't as bad as you'd think.
* Aunamee is entirely nonchalant.
I'm just passing through. Come on, Grey. We're both getting help.
* SuiginYuuki sets her drink down on the table, and walks out, just like that.
* PaleStranger just watches this.
* Aunamee leads Grey to a sideroom, #asideroom to be specific.
* SuiginYuuki isn't staying here right now, she's not INSANE.

* Grey[18] nods a bit and follows Aunamee to the sideroom!

* Aunamee leads Grey inside and locks the door behind them.
* Grey[18] is quiet and obedient, still totally out of it.
Wake up.
* Grey[18] blinks suddenly, looking very much like he's just woken. He recoils when he sees Aunamee, backing against the far wall and grabbing for a sword that isn't there. How did he get... here? "Y-you!" He gasps. How much is this man capable of?
I gave you a warning.
* Grey[18sideroom] can't stop shaking. He isn't afraid of much. Isn't afraid of death. But Aunamee himself has proven /terrifying/. "Let me out of here!" He tries to shove past Aunamee for the door.
* Au[sideroom] wheels his arm around abruptly-- fist and all--  and attempts  to slam Grey in the head.
* Grey[18sideroom] half ducks and half stumbles to the side, away from the blow, falling against the wall unsteadily. He let's out a gutteral snarl and launches himself at Aunamee, a fist aimed for /his/ head now.
* Au[sideroom] catches his fist, calm as ever.
This doesn't have to hurt.
* Grey[18sideroom] 's eyes widen again and he pulls away like Aunamee might bite him. He can't die now. He doesn't want... that can't happen. There's too much he still has to /do/. He's gotten nowhere yet!
* Au[sideroom] lets him take his hand away.
Let me /out of here./ *He inches back against the wall, baring his teeth like a caged animal.*
* Au[sideroom] watches him. What he does. How he feels. Everything.
* Grey[18sideroom] can tell. He can tell Aunamee's looking right through him. It disgusts and terrifies him. "LET ME OUT!"
* Au[sideroom] abruptly goes to hit him again, aiming for the side of his head.
* Grey[18sideroom] 's legs buckle and he ducks into a crouch, hoping Aunamee's momentum will cause him to punch the /wall/ instead. Meanwhile, he aims a kick up for the man's wounded abdomen.
* Au[sideroom] stops his arm, calm as ever. There's a split second hesitation, and then Grey might feel the muscles and joints in his leg -lock up- before the kick can ever connect. Oh. Look at that.
* Grey[18sideroom] falls back against the wall, his leg locked and useless. His breathing speeds up in panic and he tries to scramble away.
* Au[sideroom] tilts his head.
* Au[sideroom] kicks him.
* Grey[18sideroom] groans and curls as the kick impacts his unprotected stomach, one leg still locked straight. "Nggh... fuck you." He gasps.
People like you -should- be put down. You're a danger.
Is that what you were going for, Alastor?
* Au[sideroom] goes to kick him again-- harder, this time, still aiming for the stomach.
* Grey[18sideroom] tries to drag his locked leg, using the wall to attempt to get up. He flinches hard at his name before the second kick catches him in the side, under the ribs as he tries to twist way. Down again. "I'm going... " He coughs. "Going to /k-kill/ you." More coughing.
* Au[sideroom] crouches down to his level.
* Grey[18sideroom] 's eyes widen and he tries to put some space between them.
* Au[sideroom] 's chest wound isn't much of a wound anymore. The cut in his shirt still there, of course, as is the blood, but his skin is completely healed. When did that happen?
* Grey[18sideroom] squeezes his eyes shut, trembling. Aunamee isn't only capable of reading his mind. That much is obvious by now.
* Au[sideroom] casually removes a dagger from his sleeve. "I'll let you in on something, Alastor."
* Au[sideroom] lowers his voice to a whisper.
You're done doing anything.
* Grey[18sideroom] opens his eyes and spots the dagger. "Hah... hahahah..." He laughs shakily. Fuck. Suddenly he's moving, making a grab for Aunamee, his hair, the dagger, his arm whatever he can grab.
* Au[sideroom] leans back, out of reach for now. Come on, Grey. If you're going to attack him, you're going to have to get closer, hmm?
* Grey[18sideroom] grins shakily at Aunamee, bracing a hand against the wall and starting to drag himself up again. If you think he's going down without a fight you have another thing coming. He had /plans/ you know. He was /going somewhere/. Bah. He rushes at Aunamee once he's on his feet, using the locked leg as if it were in a cast. He'll grab for the dagger with one hand of course, the other is moving for Aunamee's throat.
* Au[sideroom] stands as Grey gets to his feet. There's a shift in the room suddenly-- a heavier air, softer shadows.
* Grey[18sideroom] is suddenly very dizzy. There's a distant ringing sound in his ears and he stumbles as the edges of his vision blur. His movements are more sluggish now, disoriented as he wraps a hand around Aunamee's throat, fingers pressing, as his other hand tries to gain control of the arm with the dagger.
* Au[sideroom] doesn't even try to pull his neck away. It's not important, anyway. He's close enough. Grey's disoriented enough. He pulls the dagger away from Grey's hand, steps forward, and stabs it at his chest.
* Grey[18sideroom] makes a strangled noise as it goes in, hands moving now to clumsily attempt to pull Aunamee's dagger arm away. He stumbles back and falls hard, gasping for air. The blood is pink and frothy where the knife went in.
* Au[sideroom] brings the world back to blaring color-- after all, it's silly to keep Grey disoriented when he's already starting to die. He approaches him.
Don't worry, Alastor. You're alive somewhere. This is only me evening the score.
* Au[sideroom] lifts him up by his collar.
"Nn!" *He clenches a hand over the wound, face contorted in pain. His breathing sounds wet and heavy.
Tell me if the other side is beautiful.
* Au[sideroom] stabs him again, still holding him up.
* Grey[18sideroom] stares at him wide-eyed, blood trickling from his mouth. He let's out a strangled half-scream as the knife goes in again, clawing weakly at the arm that's holding him by the collar. Over already. Unfortunate really. You know, death hurts. Definitely something to avoid. ....He still had so much to /do/.
* Au[sideroom] pulls the knife out.
* Grey[18sideroom] shudders, still prying at the hand holding him up weakly.
* Au[sideroom] continues to hold him, watching his eyes. He can wait. He has all day. This is what he loves, and this what he'll savor. Carefully, without looking away, he rests the bloody dagger on the ground next to him.
Is there anything else for you?
Is there anything left?
* Grey[18sideroom] just struggles to breathe wetly, staring right back. The fear of Aunamee dissolves into a kind of acceptance of death. He really hopes his alt kills this guy. His lips are turning blue from lack of oxygen and he shivers. It's cold. Blood is soaking the front of his shirt. His eyes start to lose focus and wander sluggishly as he sags in Aunamee's grip.
You'll never lose your arm, Alastor. Think of that.
* Au[sideroom] lays him down carefully.
* Grey[18sideroom] has trouble piecing together Aunamee's word's now. It feels like it's taking hours. His mind is moving at a snails pace and he's suddenly aware that he's against the ground again. He curls slightly, a wet gurgle starting in the back of his throat. Nn. Tired now. Night. His eyes drift shut and he twitches, muscles tensing for a moment before relaxing completely.
* Au[sideroom] knows the exact moment Grey's mind shut down. Isn't that nice? He picks him up, lifting him onto his back. He's going to have to move the body, at least, if he wants to avoid trouble in the future. He'll call Pen, too, once he leaves. Someone's going to need to clean up, after all.
* Au[sideroom] disappears.
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