Sanctuary Logs 1

Mar 14, 2008 04:09

In order: Grey + Nick & Ichigo (yard fight), Female Grey + Some, Female Grey + Jonathan

...Uh... Nick?
Jesus H. Christ.  That explains a metric ton.
See that statue?  The weeping angle statue?
* Ichigo looks up at the statue.
...Kinda creepy.
Yeah.  Well, it was over THERE a couple days ago.  *points to a spot a few feet away from the Sanctuary door*
* DrGrey is in the yard! Apparently he was heading towards Sanc. He looks like dis
* Ichigo will notice him shortly.  She's currently staring up at the statue.
So... it moved?
Hmm... it can't do anything unless it touches you, it's among the broken shrine, eats time... Rylie and Li are... oh HELL.
...Eats time?
I don't really get it either.
* DrGrey will recognize Ichigo from BR. And the claim from some spider dude that she was the one who killed him.
But apparently it can only do so if it touches you.  And now it's over HERE, where the phalloi are broken, and we have two people lost in time.  Coincidence?
* DrGrey is griiiining very strangely.
...Probably not... *She bites the inside of her lip, frowning.* But how do we help them?
Now THAT I have no clue about.
Excuse me sir. *Grey addresses Nick quite cheerily* But is there an AVF here? *Twitch :D?*
* Nick_Wright starts. "Ah! I, uh, I didn't see you there, sorry... why do you ask?"
* Ichigo looks up at him.  Now that's a strange question to ask! "...?"
* DrGrey giggles unevenly. "Curious, curious. Please, do tell. Is there?"
* Nick_Wright furrows his brow. "Does it MATTER?"
...Are you trying to be creepy, mister?
* DrGrey frowns at Ichigo. Rude little thing. "I have a question for you... whatever you are."
* Nick_Wright is watching Grey while also trying to keep an eye on the statue. This isn't easy.
...What is it?
You were on that Island correct? *Seems strangely pleasant. This is not a good thing.
* Nick_Wright tenses. Definitely not a good thing.
...Yeah... Why?
Well. Well. See there was a point... where I was fighting this kid you see? Some scrawny little shit. *Grey's eyes are spazzing out a bit in their sockets D:* And then poof. Quite suddenly I wasn't on the island any more. But you know someone said something interesting afterwards. Very interesting.
* Nick_Wright begins backing up to the Sanctuary. "Ichigo, I think we'd better get back inside..."
* DrGrey doesn't agree with Nick. In fact he's moving very quickly for Ichigo now. "I'm not finished /questioning/" He growls.
...... *moves a little closer to Nick, edging back*
* Nick_Wright tries to get between them. "Ichigo, RUN!"
* Ichigo goes (|o_O|) and -- shrinks into her real, tiny size and flies back to the Sanc.
* DrGrey will attempt to grab Nick by the front of his shirt. With his mechanical arm. Which will involve flinging him out of the way. Did we mention his mechanical arm is HOMG strong?
* Ichigo whirls. "Nick!"
* Nick_Wright is grabbed and flung! He flies and hits a tree. Out for the count.
* DrGrey is still standing there. Ichigo is out of his reach now. In the Sanc. Blast.
* DrGrey is still grinning strangely enough.
* Nick_Wright is unconscious against a tree, his glasses slightly askew.
* Jonathan peers
* Njoki follows Jon outside.  "What the hell's going on here?"
* octopus PINs in, a large stone held in one of his actuators.
* DrGrey grimaces. Damn. He scowls at the newcomers.
* Jess[newcool] comes out behind Njoki.
* Ki|Yard goes over to check on Nick.  B|  Is this some weird spirit thing?
* octopus sees Grey, and smiles at him.
* DrGrey gives a twitching grin right back! So there!
* octopus hurls the stone at Grey with superhuman speed.
[As long as the rock isn't coming at her, she'll stay with Nick.  If it is, she'll PIN him out.]
"What happened? Um...Is he, should we get him inside and get a doctor?" Just totally misses seeing Otto throw a stone at Grey.
* DrGrey quickly brings his mechanical arm up to block. The blow still knocks him back pretty good. Yep, he's on the ground now. Hello stars.
* Nick_Wright is mostly just knocked out at the moment; there's a bit of bleeding on his head, but he could be a hell of a lot worse.
* DrGrey manages to get his mechanical arm out from under the heavy stone pinning it.
That wasn't very /nice/ Octavius. *He snarls*
* Ki|Yard has taken enough first aid courses to know what's what.  "Nick, c'mon buddy, wake up.  We need to move inside where it's safer."
* octopus follows, practically flying on his actuators. He doesn't have the slightest idea what's going on, but the time for taking care of Grey is /now/, as far as he's concerned. An actuator comes down towards Grey's chest, intent on pinning him.
Pinpoint him to the clinics!
* Nick_Wright groans a bit.
* Ki|Yard is going to see if he'll come'round before she tries moving him.  He could just be winded.
* Jonathan mutters to himself and is totally not helpful right now
* DrGrey rolls quickly and then is scrambling to his feet. Crap crap crap. He pulls something out of his pocket. Yeah. Bomb. "I think this should stop right here, don't you Octavius? There could be casualties." *Grey giggles a bit*
Ah... Njoki...?
* Jess[newcool] decides that putting up a shield to guard Njoki and that Nick guy from getting hit by anything is a good idea. So she does that. "Give her a few minutes. He might be ok. He...could recover."
Hi.  *big smile!*  We've gotta get inside now, okay?  Can you walk or should I PIN us?
I... hang on.  *tries to get up, but is a bit unsteady on his feet*
* Ki|Yard will let him lean on her.  Buddy-walking into the Sanc is a go! 
* Jonathan goes back inside.
* Nick_Wright leans on her, making his way back to the Sanctuary. Owww.
* Jess[newcool] will keep an eye on Grey in case he tries to atack the people going inside. >_>
* Ki|Yard is now known as Njoki
* DrGrey only really had interest in Ichigo. Besides that, he knows when he's outnumbered.
* octopus doesn't even bother coming up with a retort- with bullet speed, he snaps out at Grey from three directions, with the intent of knocking him to the ground and separating him from his toy.
* DrGrey 's fist clenches almost automatically as the blurr of three actuators coming at him enters his vision. Uh oh. The palm sized metal ball is now glowing on and off... and beeping in time. Ohshit. <.<
* Jess[newcool] calmly turns and goes back in. Yeah, Otto has it under controll.
*given the distance between Grey and himself, (and his arms' sturdy construction) Ock isn't terribly concerned about what will happen when it goes off in Grey's hand.  He grabs his wrist with one of the larger, taloned actuators, so that Grey can't throw it.*'s your move, you two-bit 'scientist'.
* octopus realizes how dumb that sounds, but he's not been on the ball with his pithy phrases, lately.
*Crap. You can see the panic in Grey's eyes for a moment before it all comes together, and he's removing the PINpoint from his pocket. He gives a mock apologetic grin and is gone. He's gonna visit Sanc now kthnx :D?*
* octopus sighs a bit, dusting himself off and going to collect his stone. He places it by the herms, before making his way towards the Sanctuary Proper.
* DrGrey is suddenly in Sanc. Holding PINpoint. And holding a blinking bomb. And then he's not. Cuz AVF.
* Njoki is of the jell-o and ice cream school of healing.
What kind of a man, and where did he go? *he growled darkly.
* Ichigo whirled around, but just missed seeing him. "?!"
*There is a nice EXPLOSION from the Arena. Woo*
!  Aggh.
* Nick_Wright did not need the loud boomy noises.
He... he... was wearing a coat. White, I think.  Brown hair, short...
* Soma turns on his heels, glaring towards the arena.
* Ichigo flails. Big booms = not appreciated!
*Feet on stairs woo and here's Grey. You know that stereotypical SCIENTIST HAD SOMETHING BLOWN UP IN HIS FACE look? He's got it. A little charred here.*
* DrGrey doesn't look very amused. He brushes some debris from his lab coat.*
* Ichigo blinks at him.  Then recoils. "!!!"
* octopus shuffles in from the yard, looking mildly irked. [.....I really havn't been on the ball, lately.]
* Jess[newcool] will totally glare at him. She does not like you Dr Grey!
* Ichigo is very grateful to only be her tiny true size right now!
* DrGrey GLARES at Otto. This is all you're fault jerk.
* Njoki is going to stay by Nick.  Don't come closer.  B|
....You don't learn, do you.
* Hat[human] stares at this new, slightly crazy guy he's never seen before.
* octopus raises a hand to Njoki and the others in greeting, then heads to the bar for a cup of coffee.
* Ichigo is saying in a very small voice: "It's him it's him it's him..."
You sir, are an idiot.
[Among many, many other things.]
What... what'd you want, anyway?
* DrGrey looks down at Ichigo distastefully. "Dense little critter aren't you?" He's going to go have a seat now ugh.

saunters in! A rather tall young woman with brown hair that has a few wisps of white in it, mismatched eyes, and a mechanical arm.  .....Ohgod it's Grey.
* Some will make fun of femme!Grey, totally.
* Grey[Female] glances at Some and Jonathan. Why are those two always together anyway?
* Jonathan doesn't recognize Grey right now, and laughs, quietly.  It's a good night!
* Some kisses Jon. Good nights deserve some snogging.
* Grey[Female] is wearing pants today at least. She stares at Some and Jon. Something is really... not right between these two.
* Jonathan has gotten much better about being self conscious, even if there's a stranger in here.  A stranger who is... staring... at them...
* Some does not care!
* Jonathan freezes.
... mm?

*That's no stranger.  THIS is a stranger.  The strangest stranger wor ever stranged.

* Grey[Female] seems to already be frozen. Starrring.
* PaleStrager walks in. As if on cue.*
* Jonathan clings to Some's arm.  Make staring stop, now.
Excuse me?  Do you mind?

Mind what?
* Some is looking at that strange chick.
* PaleStrager just walked in here! Honestly, this is descrimination against the Most Emphatically Not Eldritch. :< Ah. You mean her.*
* Grey[Female] snaps out of it with a jolt and a grin. "Terribly sorry." She doesn't sound all that sincere. She takes a seat at the bar.
* PaleStrager is now known as PaleStranger
* Jonathan doesn't think that sounded sorry, no.  He scowls, and mumbles to himself, leaning away from Some.
* Grey[Female] drums metallic fingers against the bar, looking around. It's so quiet today... nothing new... nothing interesting.

Goodness, have I walked in on something?
* Grey[Female] glances at Pale stranger as if seeing him for the first time.

*You probably have seen him for the first time.  He's just a man in a suit.  Who looks preternaturally calm and slightly amused.*
* Some sighs, and leans over onto Jon. "Nothing."
* Jonathan flinches away.
* Some will lean on the arm of the couch, then.
* Jonathan glares at Grey.
* Grey[Female] peers at them. Then looks directly at Jonathan, ignoring the glare. "I'm sure I've caught your name before but I can't seem to remember it."
I don't think that I know you, and I don't care to give my name.

Ah.  *headtilts at them for a moment, then heads barward for something to drink.*
I don't appreciate being stared at.
* Grey[Female] blinks slowly. "Don't know me..." She tilts her head a bit. Amnesia? What?
* Some gets up, going to the bar. He pauses when he passes Grey, looking at her more closely.
* Grey[Female] notices this and grins. "Well, Some? Are you having sudden difficulty recognizing me as well?"
* Grey[Female] totally expects no, I mean wtf?
* Some bares his teeth. "-Grey.-"

Goodness, it seems you have a history.
* Grey[Female] frowns at Some. What's wrong with them? "Yes, that'd be correct." She says dryly, peering at him curiously.
* PaleStranger is preparing a drink and just looks so very blase.*
* Some looks her up and down. "Gotta love the Nexus."
* Grey[Female] blinks. Yes and no, but... she scowls at him now. "Know something I don't?" She glances down at herself quickly. No... everything's the same.
* PaleStranger browquirks.
* Some laughs, looking over at Jon.
* Jonathan is not amused.
* Grey[Female] 's eyes narrow. "Do you have something to say, Some?" Her voice has dipped. Obviously not pleased here. What's the secret?
* PaleStranger is amused. Is just smiiiiiiling.*
No, Miss Grey, nothing at all.
* Grey[Female] glares. Since when does he call her Miss?

*amused sound*
* Grey[Female] snaps around to regard PS with the same glare. What's going on here?
* Some shall leave her alone for the moment and go to the bar.
* PaleStranger just takes a sip of his drink--gin and tonic--and regards her with a mild yet still amused gaze*
* Grey[Female] looks something like an animal, hunched and glaring at everyone. They know something she doesn't and she doesn't like it.
* Jonathan stays in his corner, and looks over at the other person he doesn't know.
* Grey[Female] curses the AVF for the six thousandth time.
* Grey[Female] mutters something to herself and gets up. Yep, going for a drink.

*notices Jon looking at him.  Nods by way of greeting.  Goes back to watching Grey.  See?  He's not staring at you, Jon.*
* Jonathan thinks that is much more polite, and will not glare at -that- one. See how this works?
* Some has laid claim to the bar, Grey. "Step off or I'll send you to the arena."
* Jonathan has decided this is how it works -today-, anyway.
* Jonathan quickly looks over to Some and Grey. What's going on?  His hand slips to his pocket.
* Grey[Female] blinks. "Beg your pardon?" She hisses.
* PaleStranger is, er, at the bar. But will gladly step aside as to avoid confrontation.*
Did I stutter?
No, you were perfectly clear, that's the problem. *She laughs* How do you expect to send me /anywhere/?
I've been here an awful lot longer than you.  I know how this place works.
* PaleStranger actually /does/ take a few steps clear of said bar, but still listens. Because he's curious.*
* Grey[Female] 's fingers curl and uncurl. "Just a /drink/, Some. That's all I'm looking for." See? She isn't going to cut you up. Not now.
There's water in the kitchen.  I don't want to get Grey cooties on me.
* Some is 12. Well, 11.
* Jonathan isn't threatening anyone, honestly.  He just wants to hold this canister now.
* Grey[Female] stares at him. Cooties? Really, what grade are we in? "Alcohol." She says quickly. Don't act stupid.
* Some ... steps aside. "By all means, get shitfaced."
* PaleStranger hides an amused sound. Greycooties.*
* Grey[Female] looks perplexed. What was that all about? Grey will get herself a drink then, eyes never leaving Some. She's suspicious.
* Some turns all the lights out, without moving. Poof, have a lot of black.
* Grey[Female] stops mid-pour. "....."
Power outtage? *She mutters.*
* Grey[Female] doesn't move, waiting to see if the power comes back.
* PaleStranger can still see, but isn't telling anyone that.*
* Grey[Female] can't see shit captain.
* Some can too. He sheds his shoes and pads silently over to Jon. Helo.

*Though this fact might be evident to Some, as he's still calmly sipping his drink and amusedly watching the room.*
* Jonathan can't see anything, being a normal human, here.  Normal!  He tenses, but pretty quickly realizes that this thing that's suddenly appeared next to him is Some.
* Grey[Female] frowns. "Some? You can see can't you?" She laughs. "...Perhaps you should check and see what's wrong?" Providing there's actually a way to do that here. It's all wishful thinking of course.
* Some squeezes Jon's hand. "There's something wrong?"
* Jonathan hugs Some. That was a very clever plan, there. He also pockets the canister.
I'd imagine there is if the lights have gone out. *She sounds impatient*
They're out?  I can see just fine.  Jon?
* Njoki peers in?  If there's any light, you might see her eyes reflect green.  @_@
*Nope, noooo light*
* Jeff[female] picks the perfect time to decide to have a drink, apparently. There's the plink of a PINpoint in the darkness. "Wha...?"
* Jonathan doesn't answer.  He likes the idea of being hidden.  :3
Of course you can see just fine. *She growls*
* Some lets go of Jon to sneak up behind Grey, silent-footed.
* Grey[Female] knows how to tune into her hearing but she isn't expecting an attack so... :D
* PaleStranger watches all of this, because he can see just fine.*
* Some isn't attacking! Unless the cold butt of a soda can on the back of your neck is an attack.
Why are the lights out? Is everyone--OW!
* Jeff[female] just found the bar, apparently.
* Grey[Female] goes up onto her toes at the sensation, a decidedly feminine sound of surprise escaping her lips.
* Njoki is just going to hang out by the doorway.
* Some chuckles.
Who did that!? *She snarls, whirling around*
* Some dodges back. "Having fun? Enjoy being blind?"
Is that you, Some? Can you turn the lights on please?
* Jonathan bites his lip to keep himself from laughing. Listening to Some taunt Grey is great fun.
* Grey[Female] grits her teeth angrily. "So that's what this is, is it, Some?" She growls.
* Njoki is standing in the doorway.  It's pitch as feckin' black in here.  La.
* Some reaches out a long hand to poke her between the eyes.
* Grey[Female] jolts away from him... and hits something. "Some!" She snarls. Don't /touch/ you little creep.
* Asamar actually comes in at quite a speed; hauling ass in from the Main Nexus. The flash of light might happen when the doors open, but the light will cease once the doors close. Aaaand since Njoki is standing RIGHT THERE in the doorway, why not crash into her at near-top speed. ...Did anyone else hear coconuts?
* Jeff[female] turns out to be what she hit. Jeff squeaks in surprise and backpedals, knocking over a chair in the process. "EEK!"
* Some was going to flick her in the nose, but ack, flash of light from the doors.
* Njoki 's noggin makes a hollow BONK sound and with an undignified squawk she goes tumbling ass over tea kettle.
* Jonathan is pretty glad there are frightened noises, too. He'll just sit here in the corner, biting his knuckle.
"Some, when this is over I'm locking you in a damn tanning bed." She snarls.
* Asamar pretty much crashes like a little kid on roller skates. Wherever he is, it's hard, cold, and uncomfortable. "aaaaaa... mommy."
Oh, try something.  -Please-. 
* Jeff[female] gropes her way around the bar until she reaches the wall, trying to find a light switch.
* Some goes for that nose-flick now.
*anyone finding a switch will find it still in the on-position*
* Njoki grumbles and tries to dust herself off and feel her way back to the hall.  B|
* Grey[Female] has switched over to relying on her hearing. She hear's the flick and reaches up to grab Some's hand before it can contact.
* Asamar just lays in a curled up heap on the floor, head clutched in his huge hands.
* PaleStranger watches all of this. Wonders idly if he should intervene. ... Nah.*
* Some lets her grab his hand. He has two, after all.
* Grey[Female] releases the hand as soon as she has it, attempting to make her way back away from where she's determined SOme to be.
* Jeff[female] reaches the light swich and there's a rapid clicking as she tries turning it off and on repeatedly. "Dammit!"
* Asamar relaxes and lays flat on his back. "Marco?"
* Some follows, step for step.
* Njoki might have gotten closer to the General.  Time to poke his shoulder?
* Grey[Female] can hear him following. "Get away from me." She hisses.
Make me.
* Jonathan can't help it.  He cackles.
* Asamar scoot-scoots closer to Njoki-- "AH!" A hand swings up to swat the assaulting finger that just poked his neck.
Jon is that you? What's going on?
* Njoki smacks him.  "What?!  You goddamn ass."
* Njoki -gently- smacks him.  With love.
* Soze PINpoints in... and then promptly PINpoints out again, after seeing (or not, ha ha) that the place is pitch dark. Like HELL, he's dealing with this shit today.
* Grey[Female] nearly trips over something and... hits a wall.

*Oh, that isn't helping.*
* Asamar carefully leans over to wrap an arm around what he really hopes is Njoki.
* Some cackles, an echo of Jon, and puts out a hand to keep her from falling.
* Njoki is wrapped! 
* Terana[Canada] is now known as Jalal
I think I need a doctor...
* Jalal steps in.  And... oh, well.
* Grey[Female] bats Some away, sounding somewhat panicked now. "Don't /touch/ me!" She spits.
* PaleStranger gets up and heads over to where Jeff is sprawled. Wut.* You might want to get out of the proverbial line of fire.
"Yeah?  That's news?"
* Njoki is giving the General one hell of a look...that no one can see.
*Seeing as it's night out there?*
"No?  Why not?  -I'm- not a torturer."
Yuk it up, lady. I'mma pinch you-- LINE OF FIRE?"
* Jeff[female] is completely unaware of anyone approaching, since, yanno, dark.
* Asamar lets go of Njoki and lays flat on the floor!
* Jalal makes a deep, rumbly noise, and starts carefully toward the bar, through all of this.  He seems to be navigating it rather well, actually, for the pitch darkness...

Proverbial.  Who knows what Miss Grey and Mister Some might end up doing.
* Grey[Female] snarls at Some, pressing back against the wall and inching along it. How disgustingly helpless.
Jon, she's scared of me.
Oh, I know...
You wish. *She hisses*
* Njoki wuffles.
Jesus shit, whoever just ... That's not funny, man. Gunfire in the dark. That can go fuckin' anywhere.
* Asamar sighs.
"We're still in the Sanc, so the AVF applies, right?"

*unruffled*  I did say proverbial.
* Some leans in so close she can feel his breath, smelling her. Is there fear?
* Jeff[female] just kind of ...freezes. She knows that voice.
* Asamar gets onto his hands and knees and tries to make his way carefully to a wall.
* Grey[Female] stops suddenly. Wait, what about what happened the other day? That was odd wasn't it? There might be some fear! It's more panic at the dark and having her senses removed... plus Some keeps /touching/ her.
I suspect I am missing something.  Has there been a power outage?
"Yeah, let's get alongside the wall."  C'mon, General, it's this way.  Snuffle?  She can probably get a scent to the Yard.
* Asamar bumps his shoulder into Njoki. Whatever part of her it bumps is beyond him.
I don't *know.*
* Jeff[female] sounds a little frustrated.

Of course it does.  And yet you're all sprawled on the floor in various states of injury.  More of the same might happen if you don't move clear, is all I'm saying.
* Jalal has made his way over to the bar, and the little bowl of peanuts.  Snacks go well with comedy.
Some. *Sounds curious now, though she's still trying to lean away from him*
"S'this way."
You're afraid of me.  Why don't you do something about it?
* Asamar awkwardly grumbles and shuffles, on hands and knees, after Njoki's voice.
You take me for a fool. *She snaps* .... Some your reaction the other day.
* PaleStranger gently nudges Jeff in that direction. There isn't even anything odd about the touch.*
"For what?  C'mon, yard's over here."  Doot, doot.
*crunch crunch munch*
I know you're a fool.
* Jonathan 's laugh trails off, but he's grinning.
* Asamar furrows his brows in disturbed curiosity. Who... "'Kay."
Some. /Are/ you eleven? /Do/ you eat two people daily? *Currrious*
* Grey[Female] 's eyes search the dark for him though she can't see.
* Njoki makes it to the Yard!  You may all rejoice.
* Jeff[female] yelps at the touch, then looks sheepish. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
* Jeff[female] gropes his way slowly toward the yard.
* Some looks nonplussed, but hey, it's dark! "I ate someone your size for lunch today."
* Asamar makes it to the yard, as well!
* Grey[Female] smirks, but also wonders whether these things are true. And if so, how she knows them.
Digestive tract... *She murmers, then something about the brain just under her breath*
* Some snarls, and- vanishes. Lights come back on with a *plink*
* Grey[Female] blinks and squints, throwing a hand up to shield her eyes.
.... Some?
* Jalal closes his, a second too late.  Yellow --?

*AWGAWD WHAT KIND OF EYES ARE THO--why they're perfectly normal*
*yep.  -perfectly normal- dark brown eyes.*
* Some reappears in here, putting his shades back on, movements tight and upset.
* Jeff[female] makes it to the door just as the lights go on. "Well! That's better."
* Jeff[female] goes outside anyway.
* Grey[Female] smirks at Some. "You really are a predator aren't you? ...Very fast metabolism too."
And you lost your cock somewhere.  Go find it.
* Grey[Female] frowns suddenly. Why. Why does she know this? She jolts a little at Some's words and then bares her teeth at him. What is he talking about? "How crude of you." She growls.

*Oh, yes.  Completely normal blue eyes here.*
* Jonathan would like to butt in, but doesn't know what to do or say, so he sits here.
* Grey[Female] is too fixated on Some to notice anything unfortunately.
* Some will go sit with Jon. Nnngh.
* Jalal eats another handful of bar peanuts, trying to look nonchalant, still.  "Always when I come here, I feel as though I have changed  the channel to the middle of a very strange movie."
* Grey[Female] wanders to her drink, finishing pouring it and taking the glass to the bar with her.
* Jonathan whispers to Some, "I'd rather you'd kept the lights out."

*amused*  I'm told that's a common perception.
* Grey[Female] looks very pleased with herself. She's won after all.
I was in the arena.  I couldn't.
* Soze enters from the yard. He looks like he might be a little sick, but he deals with it well.
Ah, Some :/
* Jeff[female] follows close behind and goes for a cup of coffee.
Jon, what happened just now?
I imagine so.
* PaleStranger is here, calmly sipping what looks for all the world like a gin and tonic. Yep. The voice WAS familiar.*
* Grey[Female] sips her drink.
* Jonathan looks over at Jeff, frowning slightly, and with no actual reply.
* Jeff[female] stops. And looks. And eeeeeek.
* Jeff[female] abruptly stops looking finds a couch some distance away.
* Soze has made it a habit just not to -look- at the stranger. He moves for the coffee-- changes his mind-- and then remains where he is. Slowly, he makes his way to a couch.
I don't think I should be here right now, Some.  People aren't at ease, and I could get worked up.
* Some nods. He doesn't need much convincing to take Jon home.
* Asamar frowns curiously as he returns inside, eyes to the ground in search of something.

*He did help you earlier.  Well, that's graitude for you.  Eh.  He continues calmly sipping.*
* Jonathan will very gladly leave. Sorry, Jeff.
*That doesn't make him any less Eldrich and terrifying. ._.*
* Grey[Female] smirks at Some and Jon, sipping her drink.
Good night, Jon.
* Some takes him away.

* Some left. He can't deal with this.
* Jonathan blinks.
* Jonathan gnaws his lip.
Jon. *She says slowly.* Jonathan right? Your name.
What relation do you have to the Grue? *She narrows her eyes at him*
They live.... I'm not sure where they live now.
* Jonathan scowls with concentration.
* Grey[Female] blinks. "Yes. Perfect darkness, right? I'm talking about Some."
Perfect darkness :3
* Grey[Female] wills herself to be patient -_-
Jonathan. What is your relation to /Some/.
-Some- died.
..... *Seems surprised but it dies quickly. Of course. He's older... grue's don't live long.* "Right. What /was/ your relation then?"
He loved me?
* Grey[Female] looks oddly disgusted. There were more than enough hints but /still/. What an odd relationship. "I see." Is all she says.
You see...
Does that make you angry?
* Grey[Female] glares at him a bit. "I wouldn't call it anger per se."
What would you call it?
Some is male. You are male. Furthermore, you aren't even the same species. *The disgust is creeping into her voice now.*
* Leoben wanders in, looking to make himself some lunch.
* Marloc trots in, a tall man with a great black beard and a smashing black cape. He trips and gets his cape stuck in the door on his way in.
* Grey[Female] blinks and glances over at the newcomers.
* Jonathan is, for newcomers, ten years older than he's supposed to be.
* Grey[Female] has boobs.
No, Some was a grue.
Grues don't have two sexes.  He was actually not male.
* Marloc notes the boobs, and notes that there's an old man and a not-extremely-old man.
* Jonathan is about to launch into some more detailed explanation, but loses track of what he was saying, and frowns, faintly, instead.
Yes, yes, I realize that. *She snaps, turning back to Jonathan. And then she pauses. Sexes? More than two?* What genders? *She leans in*
I think so...
* Leoben looks just how he's supposed to, and is making himself some tuna salad and listening very closely indeed.
* Marloc 's cape tears free, and the tear rejoins it. He walks to nearby Leoben, to avoid those talking but not avoid people.
* Grey[Female] grits her teeth. She wants to /know/. "Jonathan. Tell me what sexes Grue's have."
* Grey[Female] fumbles in her lab coat and comes up with a notepad and pen.
* Jonathan goes back to picking at his sleeve. "I didn't escape?"
You were in danger?
* Grey[Female] bites her lip. They're interfering!
G-go away, I'm having a conversation.
* Marloc is asking -her- with the 'sexes' thing, here. He may be asking Jonathan about the danger- but he hasn't stopped looking at Grey.
* Grey[Female] jots something on her notepad. "Forget about escape." Grey is ignoring Marloc. She has somethign important to do here.
Yes, I'm sorry, doctor.
* Grey[Female] pauses and glances up at Jonathan. Okay, sure. Whatever. "Right. So what sexes do Grue's have?"
* Jonathan recites, dutifully, "There are two female-like sexes, two male-like sexes, and a fifth middle sex."
* Marloc sits on the bar and stares at the two of them.
* Grey[Female] jots. "Which was Some?"
He was the middle.
What do they call these genders? *Jot jot jot.*
When he was put in human form, he just chose one.
... I don't remember...
* Grey[Female] nods, not looking up from her writing. She frowns a bit at not being able to get the names from him. "Any idea on how they work? Why they would need this many genders?:
I miss him.
* Grey[Female] glances up at Jonathan. "That isn't what I asked."
On March sixth, two-thousand eight I told him that it would be nice, if I could see him, from the future.
And you got your wish?
* Grey[Female] twitches. "Jonathan. I'm asking you /why/ five genders are necessary to the Grue race."
I'm having a conversation.
You're trying to say something, she won't let you.
* Grey[Female] growls under her breath.
* Marloc is intent, wide-eyed.
I don't remember why.
He wasn't actually male, though, so it's fine.  Don't be angry.
And it wouldn't matter if he were.
* Grey[Female] laughs coldly. "Right, right." She puts the pen down on the pad. Seems she won't get any further with this.
I don't see why it would.
I didn't escape, doctor?
I don't know what you're talking about. *She replies blankly.*
Escape from where, Jon?
What are we to do now, then?
Well, unless you have more information on Some or the Grue race in general for me... nothing.
I know lots of things about Some.
* Grey[Female] grins slowly. "I'm sure you do. Perhaps you'd like to indulge me?"
He was very kind.
* Jonathan giggles.
* Grey[Female] frowns. "right, right... tell me about how he came to be human."
Go away.  I did escape, I remember.
* Grey[Female] blinks and then frowns deeper. "You haven't escaped from anything. Tell me how he gained human form."
I d-d-d... I did... I didn't?
* Leoben looks closer at Jon, trying to see what he's talking about?
* Grey[Female] looks at Jon, trying to determine what will get her a more favorable response. He was more cooperative when he thought he hadn't escaped wasn't he? "No." She says slowly.'
* Jonathan is terribly discouraged, now. His shoulders slump. "I was mistaken. I apologize."
I think she's lying.
* Marloc lies on the bar.
They just said that you're lying.
* Grey[Female] smirks. "Quite alright." She tenses but ignores Marloc. "Now. How did Some become human?"
* Leoben is still making sandwiches and moves his tuna salad away from Marloc's feet. :|
Ignore them.
No, she's lying.
He had a choice.
* Marloc keeps his feet away from the sandwiches. (his feet are in clean boots, at least!)
((the salad))
Who gave him that choice? How was he turned?
She does lie an awful lot.
* Grey[Female] bristles slightly.
It was for a girl.
Jonathan. *Impatience is creeping in now* I didn't ask why.
Why are you asking him so much, anyway?
How's he obligated to answer you?
Mind your own business. *She snarls at him*
Mind yours.
I've never been good at that, myself.
* Marloc doesn't register the snarl.
* Leoben gets snarled at a lot.
* Grey[Female] jolts. Hermes. The dream... Some had said that in the dream. She looks shaken. "Yes... Hermes. The god. He turned Some?"
Is he around here? Wow.
Is he friendly?
Yes.  He had a choice.
He told me.
* garen is now known as Garen
Right. *She looks a bit pale now as she jots.* His sons. The ones with the... mouths for eyes. How were they created?
I haven't seen Hermes.  I musten't pour anything on the floor.
I don't know.
What's with the floor?
* Grey[Female] frowns and stares down at her notes.
I'm not permitted.
Just you? Or all of us?
* Marloc holds his finger out, not pointing at anything.
Well, this is a hospital.
Oh, right. Of course.
* Grey[Female] seems absorbed in starting /through/ the notes she just wrote down.
* Garen is now known as Peter
* Peter walks in, his feet three feet off the floor. He ducks a little to get through the doorway.
* Leoben recognizes Peter. Oh, wonderful.
Doctor, my delusions don't usually include Peter Pan...
* Grey[Female] snaps out of it, blinking and looking around. Where is she again?
I don't think she's a real Doctor.
* Jonathan -thought- he was in the hospital.
Nor was I aware this was a hospital.
They say you're not a real doctor.
It's not a hospital.
She also replies to us, remember?
And if she is a doctor, she shouldn't be.
It's not a hospital.
* Jonathan giggles. "You shouldn't be a doctor."
* Grey[Female] grits her teeth. "Yes, very amusing."

This isn't a hospital. It's a whale!
It's a whale.
* Marloc burps at the mention of whale. Oops.
* Leoben facepalms.
* Grey[Female] frowns at Peter. Did someone just turn the crazy up in here?
* Peter dances around, still three feet up. He sticks his tongue out at Grey.
"Charming." She mutters, turning back to her notes.

Uh huh! I am! *somersaults*
I feel ill.
She seems ill. Don't you think she looks ill? Thin.

She's a PIRATE!
* Peter cackles.
You're terribly thin, doctor pirate.
I'm not...
* Grey[Female] scowls at them. "You're all insane."

*to Grey* You need to eat more.
You're weak.
* Leoben offers her a sandwich.
I eat just fine. *She growls, declining Leoben's offering*
* Leoben eats the sandwich himself, then.
See if you can outrun me.
* Grey[Female] flexes the fingers on her mechanical hand. Weak? She'll show you weak.
* Peter zooms over to the bar, pantomimes making a sandwich, then shoves it in Grey's face.
* Marloc doesn't register that.
* Jonathan laughs.
* Grey[Female] jolts backwards, blinking rapidly. "Get away from me." She snarls.
* Marloc sniggers.

But it's a sandwich!
It's a sandwich1
It's going to be your /head/. *She hisses*
* Marloc laughs.

No it's not. That's camballism.
* Marloc never used to laugh. He glances out.
* Peter totally says it wrong.
* Grey[Female] pockets the notepad and pen, glaring.
* Jonathan covers his mouth with his sleeve, and laughs more.
* Peter grins, showing very small, very white teeth.
* Grey[Female] bristles in her seat, glaring at people.
* Marloc stares at her.
* Jonathan falls silent and bows his head.
* Leoben griiins.
* Grey[Female] glances at Leoben. Isn't that the guy who supposedly isn't human? Cylon?
* Peter sinks to the floor and flops on a couch. This is boring.
Yes, Jonathan?
* Grey[Female] cringes at the yelling.
* Peter giggles.
Yeah, that'd be me.
I remember you!
* Grey[Female] sighs and crosses her legs.

... No you don't.
... I don't?
Peter, stop it. Yes, Jonathan, you remember me.

No. Because otherwise you wouldn't be yelling.
Maybe he's yelling in relief.
I did that.

Then he's yelling in relief that he forgot and now he remembers.

So he -doesn't- remember, but he didn't forget any more.
* Jonathan stands up and goes over to Leoben.
* Leoben is eating another sandwich. Hi.
..... *PINS out.*
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