Telco "issue"

Jun 05, 2007 20:49

Overpriced tone generator -- purchased.

Screwball cross-wiring between line 1 and line 2 causing spurious dial tone on line 2-- could not reproduce.

Cross wiring between phone line and alarm circuit by installer, removing any way to identify which line is which at the demarc -- toned out and repaired.

premise wire in the demarc for the second line nipped off short by the installer -- repaired.

open end of second line -- spliced to second pair of the line running into the demarc.

Figuring out how to put the demarc test jacks back in service -- TBD.

Figuring out what the extra box the installer stuck to the exterior wall is -- TBD.

Tracing out why line 2 still has no dialtone -- done. The installer never connected the second line from the cable box to the line running to the demarc.

Getting to go to BrightHouse's Deland Office tomorrow to cancel the second line -- priceless.

Why yes, I will be expecting credit for the service we don't have, and the $100 in tools and materials, as well as 4 hours of my time....
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