May 23, 2008 14:11
FINE. Goddamnit I did not type this out just have LJ tell me it's too long to respond to a comment with. So i'll post it here instead. You better appreciate this Joni. See how I suffer?
1. Who did you last hold hands with? I wanna hold your haaaaanndd... doo doo.... (had that song in my head all morning for some reason)
2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? How the fuck should I know? I'm not expert but I get the impression WAR can be pretty random in it's effects and outcomes. Particularly to single soldiers. *stands up* This question is over.
3. Do you sleep with the TV on? I don't put the tv on period.
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? Of course. What, do I look inefficient to you or something?
5. Have you ever won a spelling bee? No. Why? To prove I have the biggest word-penis?
6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends? Me and Bobby McGee... we went 12 rounds back in '93..
7. Are you a fast typer? Yes. (You can't tell but I typed that REAL fast)
8. Are you afraid of the dark? No. Darkness is good. Destroy the sun!
10. What ended your last relationship? Her?
(actually it was a mutual breakup.)
(Well.. a little more mutual on her part. But once she dumped me I hopped right onboard.)
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower? They have different purposes. porpoises. the purpose of the porpoise. what were we talking about?
12. Do you knock on wood? No I have a severe wood phobia. I'm deathly afraid of splinters. each day is a trial.
13. Are you drinking anything right now? Smirn.... Tea.
14. Do you think you're attractive? That sounds suspiciously like implied opinion. I KNOW I'm not.
16. Do you miss someone right now? Only if there's a strong wind.
17. What do you want for christmas? My two front teeth. (four front actually)
18. Do you know the muffin man? I once saw a man who claimed to be my uncle do this thing with a garden hose.... It haunts me to this day.
19. Do you talk in your sleep? I keep telling everyone, he wasn't my uncle!
20. Do you remember your 1st crush? *squish*
21. Have you ever flown a kite? No. I keep meaning to get my kite's license. But you know how it is, all those background checks.
22. When was the last time that you went swimming and where? Probably wreck beach. So like two years ago. So much sun and dirt and flopping genitalia. I don't recommend it. (the sun is really terrible)
23. Do you consider yourself successful? At being awesome? Exceptionally. Or if you prefer -- At being exceptional? Awesomely.
24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell phone? The phone I don't like using? Like 8. 1 of them is me.
25. Have you ever asked for a horse? I once asked for a hurtz donut. I don't wanna talk about it.
26. Plans for today? Work. Well.. be at the office anyway. Then later, not be at the office. What a ride..
27. What did you do this past weekend? Nothing. Yes people say you couldn't have actually done "nothing". Well trust me, the details won't make it seem any more interesting.
28. Miss being at school right now? Um. I kinda want to go to school right now. But I don't miss being at the schools I've been in before.
30. Do you want to be single? I am single. And no I don't have any problem with being so at all.
31. How are you feeling today? "We're the MTV generation. We experience neither highs nor lows." I'm halfway there.
32. Describe your crush? *crunch*
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? Check and check!
34. What are you looking forward to? My monitor.
35. If you could be stranded with anyone for 24 hours who would it be? Depends where. Desert island? Someone who'll leave a large boyant corpse. 24 hours my ass...
36. Do you bite your nails? Sort've. I have this habit of trying to absently push my teeth into position. And that kinda results in chewing my nails. Yes it's silly.
37. Have you ever eaten dog food? Sometimes it's not just dogs who don't know it's not bacon.
38. Can you handle the truth? Yes. I've put my hand in a pile of goo, that was my best friends face. I knew what to do.
39. Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them here or there. I do not like them anywhere. (seriously, green ham? I'm guessing you don't get to enjoy that meal more than once)
40. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places? My liver. My wallet. And a small Etheopian boy. Don't touch the merchandise.
41. Any cool scars? Nope. Sorry.
42. You are missing in action? You write bad question?
44. What's your deepest secret? I'm not dignifying this question with an answer. <-- that doesn't count. <-- neither does that <--this is gonna be awhile...
45. How often do you talk on the phone? Almost never. I hate phones. I blame mostly my previous callcentre job.
46. Do you believe in love? Love doesn't really exist. It's all a secret Illuminati plot to control people. Don't you remember the major news story that broke when people discovered that? Of course you don't.. Cause they don't want you to.
47. Is there something you want that you can't have? Probably. It is part of our oh so human nature. Except women who want nothing but.*
*obligatory dig at females
48. One thing about the preferred sex that you first notice? Their presence. Same goes with non-preferred. Ya I swing both ways like that.
49. When was the last time you cried? Don't know. Clearly it was either a long time ago, not very memorable, or drunken. Or some combination thereof.
50. Who did you last hug? No one special. But man did that dude in the elevator seem rather put out.
51. Do you get along with your family? Yes. In a kind of don't-really-interact-much inoffensive way.
52. Where is your phone? Beats me. Call me and find out. I might not be there so leave a message.
53. What was the last thing you ate? Turkey sandwich.
54. Favorite Colour(s)? Black. It's a colour.
55. Last movie you saw? Cloverfield. I was drunk and picked it apart. Probably wasn't as bad as I made it seem.
56. What song are you listening to? None I'm at work and graciously gave my speakers to someone else who needed them for training.
57. Who do you want? What do you have?
58. Does your crush know you like them? Spacing these crush questions out isn't fooling anyone you know.
59. What T.V. show are you watching? I'm AT WORK. God. CLEARLY I'm too busy playing WoW to watch tv.
60. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Pizza order taker. They're one of my favourite people to call. Most others don't answer their phone anyway.