Dec 13, 2005 01:37
What can on say about Destiny? That is doesn't come too soon or too late? Why wait? Why not have it now? Because that is the secret of Destiny. It just is. You can rush into it head long hoping for the best. You can't prod it like some meandering child with nothing to do but hope for somekind of reaction. It is something like a a buzz off of too much Vodka in the middle of happy hour. You can't feel it ahead of time, trying to judge if you've had too much. It comes at you when you least suspect it. When you try to stand up after have way too many shots of the clear stuff. When you are at your weakest it knows that is the time to strike and show you what you are truely made of in this life. Welcome it and she will welcome you...just with less ill intent. Can you survive that and continue on with the rest of your life knowning full well that this date was set by the Fates have come and gone? Of your feet dragged on and left you on the floor? Seing other people laughing at you. Do you stand? Do you say to her face, "Fuck you, *I* am the one who lives this life bitch, and I am ready!" Or, do you just stay down and pass out hoping for it to end in the morning like some summer's eve dream best left dreampt to some other worthy person while you regurgitate what was left of your hopes and ambitions? Say this and say it well, "Destiny waits for no one." For when she is ready she will come and she will bring you to your knees. Either you nod solemnly like a Paladin and await your judgment, or you smile like a ferrit and tell her you are ready. That is a choice best left to you and you alone. Without all the macho bullshit. Can you really be who you truely are?