how deep the rabbit hole goes

Nov 25, 2009 11:50

A friend of mine, misspaulette, posted this video, and I found it shivery and wonderful, so I've brought it over here.

image Click to view

This world is full of wonders, and they're trying to compile them all over at the Atlas Obscura. Truly, we live in an amazing world.

I started reading this manga which is set in central Asia in the 19th century, and it's incredibly gorgeous. It's very quiet and slow-paced, but who cares? I'm happy just staring at a particularly detailed panel for ages and ages.

It amuses me that I just started a new GoogleDocs folder entitled "Research," and the first document in it is an article "clipped" from Slate entitled "Blood Drinking 101."

Speaking of Slate, there were a lot of interesting articles recently. This book review of "When Everything Changed" had a lot of interesting points as well as information on the history of the feminist movement, and how that history (quite a noble one) is often distorted or ignored today. This article on the Fort Hood shootings had some interesting points to make about how that story has developed in the media, and also poses some interesting questions, albeit in an overly blunt way. This article on the next international superpower likewise makes some interesting points, though again goes a little bit far in its conclusions.

One thing that must be kept in mind while reading Slate is that, while it does have some solid reporting and make some good calls, it is a magazine and not a newspaper. Thus even the best article is going to contain the author's personal conclusions from the facts presented. Essentially it's like reading the editorials: the author will do their best to convince you of their point of view, and you have to decide on your own whether you agree or disagree. But since fact and opinion are thrown in side-by-side, you have to read carefully and make sure to separate the two in your mind.

Am I excited about the AVATAR movie? Yes, yes I am. Am I going to move heaven and earth so I can see it on a 3D IMAX screen? Yes, yes I am. From what I can tell so far, the story is pretty much tried-and-true, and I'm not expecting any surprises there. But oh gods, it looks so beautiful. Why am I suddenly all on about this? Because I was reading this review of their new interactive trailer. I'll have to play it when I finally get home tonight . . .

No, this movie has nothing to do with cute quasi-Tibetan child-monk airbenders named Aang, or the associated Movie of Great Casting Fail. Bad timing in the names, that.

This interview with Rain about his latest movie amused the heck out of me. Read through to the end, that's where the funny is.

I could just keep going, but I think I'm going to stop there. Huzzah for disjointed link-filled posts!

reading, dreams, history, geekery, cool stuff, reference, humor

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