So I’m trying to write a plot-centric Rey & Finn or Finn/Rey (not sure yet, depends on how bad I am at writing romance) fic set in the same universe as
Let The Dice Fall Where They May, my Phasma plots a First Order Coup while Maz and Lando just sort of plot in general post-TFA fic.
I’ve come up with some world building stuff I want to use, and I definitely know I want Luke, Leia and Poe to also have significant roles, but beyond that, I’m stalled out. Now’s your chance to foist plot bunnies or things you want to see in fic on me! (Note for people who know who they are: Kylo Ren and his parentage will not be a significant part of this fic)
If you’re interested, reply, message me, or email me at fitzrose at email dot msn dot com
Note: No, I don’t need to know you personally yet, as long as you don’t act creepy.
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