New Fishy

Jul 09, 2012 12:52

I was super worried about getting a fish. It sounds strange because I already have two pets, Dogs, and I wasn't worried at all when I got them. I've had aquatic frogs and I loved them because they were easy to care for and fun to watch. Sulley wanted an aquarium with fish. He's been talking about it for a while, but I have been making excuses up in my head about why it was a bad idea. I wasn't being purposely misleading. Those were the reasons my head was giving me at the time. We can't really afford it right now. I would like to shop around for prices and quality.
What I realized is that this is the first thing that requires a sizable amount of money that was not something I felt like we really needed. Using money on something we don't NEED in anyway has always been a fighting point in the relationships I've been in and around. I was also very worried about killing or harming the fish. I know they are very sensitive creatures and my history with fishes and ponds has been very negative and often also included conversations and arguments about money. I was really apprehensive.
When I finally figured out what was going on Sulley and I talked a bit about my anxiety. He said that he would take care of any fish if they passed away and he would be happy to be the primary care person for the fish.
I got over the money problem quickly once I realized what was going on and that we had plenty of funds for a small fish tank. I just needed the realization that my past was freaking me out.
We set up the tank and let it sit for the required time and then bought 5 neon tetras:

In the bag with the tetras was a baby Apple Snail. We named zir Bonus, and the tetras after the oceans; Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic.
We put the fish and the snail in the tank after letting the water temperatures normalize. We dumped the bag with all the water into the tank and fed the fish. At the time we didn't know we were feeding them too much food.
The next morning all 5 of the tetra's were dead. I was really sad and worried. I told Sulley that we might just have a snail habitat or a decorative box. We took our water in to be checked for magic levels of stuff and they told us the water was fine. Apparently we had too many fish introduced at once.

He cleaned out the dead fish, but we couldn't find Bonus. We let the tank sit for almost a week.

Yesterday, we got a new fish. A Red Wag Platy, named Phoebe.

The person at the store said she might be pregnant. She has survived the night and seems to be doing well. We plan on adding several more fish, but slowly. There will also likely be another snail and an African Dwarf Frog (Kermit).

P.S. Bonus is climbing the side of the tank. Hopefully ze will survive.

fish, past, anxiety
