Series: Due South Alphabet Series
Title: A Is For Age
Author: Grey/Grey853
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Rating: Explicit
Tags: male slash, explicit language, explicit sexual content
Summary: Ray is worried about getting too old to do the job. Fraser assures him he's up to the task.
Word Count: 5,396
Link: Snippet:
″Brought you some hot bark tea. Brewed it myself.″
Fraser looked up and took the offered thermos. ″Thank you.″
Ray settled in the orange plastic seat next to his partner. ″So, what’s the news on Baynard?″
Before he answered, Fraser uncapped the lid and poured himself a drink. He resealed the thermos and put in the free chair on the other side of him. ″It would appear he’s going to be admitted. He’s been sedated and given anti-seizure meds. They’re not sure what the cause is yet.″
″Could be all those drugs he takes.″
″Could be, but it could also be any number of medical conditions. We shouldn’t judge, Ray. We never know what’s going on in the lives of people.″
″Sounds like a sermon I heard once.″
″I’m not trying to be preachy.″
″I know that.″
Ray handed Fraser his wool coat back. ″Thanks for the loan.″
″You’re welcome. You look a lot better than before.″
″Took a shower and cleaned up. Might have to burn the clothes though. I don’t know if a wash will save them. They stink to high heaven.″
″I actually have a detergent formula that might help. I’ll make up a batch to do the laundry. I also have a leather conditioner that might save your boots once they dry.″
″Yeah? You’re the chemical wizard, huh?″
″Well, it’s good to have practical applications that can reduce having to destroy perfectly good clothes and footwear. Besides, I know how partial you are to those particular boots.″