MSSalieri has created a Due South AU series consisting of two novellas called "Real Life". It consists of "Real Boys" and "Real Worlds". Both are at the AO3 archive and I had a blast reading both this last week.
The writer explains the premise better than I can in the notes at the end of "Real Boys":
Back when the story was originally posted, it was colloquially known as "The Space Mountie story." There is a sequel, "Real Worlds," and the two novellas make up the "Real Life" series. It's an homage to Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and brushes up against that world obliquely before heading off on its own path, following its own rules and accreting its own history, such as the AI Wars and the Armistice Statutes. That context is explored in more detail in "Real Worlds."
First, let me say that I've always been fascinated by Philip K. Dick's world created in his book and then brought to film in Bladerunner. I mean it deals with some interesting idea about what it means to be alive long before the current debates about AI and what constitutes a sentient being.
Second, the writing both in the narrative and dialogue is beyond stunning. It races at breakneck speed and yet the characters are so very recognizable as the Ray Kowalski and Benton Fraser that we know and love. While the story is often tense and chaotic, it's also sprinkled with touches of tenderness and humor.
Frankly, it's just a kick ass story about what so many things, but it boils down to how far will a person will go to save the being he/she loves even if the law says that being is no better than a toaster.
Here's the link to the series on AO3. Read it and let the author know what you think.