Where I've been

Jul 01, 2008 15:55

Someone just canceled a 90-minute meeting. so I have an unexpected chunk of free time. Since I don't seem to make time to post here under normal circumstances, I'll take advantage of this boon by posting now.

Life has generally been really good lately.

Work: I've been at Google a little over a year now and I'm still thoroughly enjoying it. I'm continuing to learn at a rapid clip and I'm a lot more useful to my team with each passing quarter. I can't do justice to describing what a paradise it is for an engineer to work at Google - not because of all the nice perks, as welcome as yesterday's massage was - but because of the incredible infrastructure and tools we have available to help us do our jobs. Google gives you a fulcrum and a really big lever and then asks you to move the world - and you do!

I usually get to work between 8:30 and 9:30am, and leave at about 5:30pm. I eat breakfast and lunch at work. So with the time at work and the 15-minute commute, there goes 45 hours of my week. I'm really happy when I'm at work. If the rest of my life were less interesting, I'd spend more time here.

Family: Jon and I are doing really well. I don't like to use my blog as a platform for dissecting partner relationships, so I'm not going to go into any details about what's working and what isn't, but it's mostly working and we're pretty happy. Jon is obsessed with playing go and spends one night a week at the Go Center, as well as playing lunchtime games at work and playing online with people around the world.

Elliott is three and a half and getting to be a pretty interesting little person. He finished his first year of preschool and will go to preschool for two more years before starting kindergarten. We're thinking he'll probably go to private school but that's not decided yet. He's reading lots of books, playing lots of "soccer" in the back yard with Jon, taking swimming lessons with Laura, going to summer camp, getting skinned knees, refusing to eat 80% of the foods he meets (but eating the other 20% voraciously), forgetting to ask nicely, building forts, requesting extra snuggles, considering stopping sucking his thumb, playing computer games, and making really dumb jokes over and over again. He's a good kid. I have a bunch of pictures stacked up that I keep not posting to elliottcook.com - I'll try to get to that soon.

My Dad is biking a lot, trying not to spend too much time at work, and enjoying the hot summer days. My Mom is recovering from a long-term vision problem and doing some genealogy research.

Myself: I don't have a ton of free time during the week. I come home, make dinner, hang out with Elliott and put him to bed, and by then it's 8:30pm and Jon wants to play go. :) Sometimes we do that or watch a TV show on DVD. I'm trying to read more this year than I did last year, so some evenings I do that. I've recently taken up beadwork again and I'll be going to a wire wrapping class at a local bead store next week. I've played too much Eschalon (a single-player RPG with a Mac version) lately. I'm still slogging through paperwork associated with my divorce, which is not quite complete yet. And of course, I like to hang out with friends, when I get a chance, which is not often enough.

So that's why I never update this blog any more.

And what about you, dear readers? What are you up to lately?

jon, elliott, beads, update, games, divorce, go, gretta

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