Oct 07, 2006 01:31
Longest relationship: The current one...we are a week shy of nine months
Shortest relationship: Three weeks with icky John, who in that time decided that he loved me and that we should move in together.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you?: three I think, and one didn't mean it.
Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with? yes, and I still think so!
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? it only hurts when we're apart
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?: I....don't think so....
Are you happier single or in a relationship? I've had enough time being single, and I don't want to go back.
Have you ever been cheated on? Technically.....sorta.
What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex? EVERYTHING
Have you ever had your heart broken? yeah
Have you ever broken someones heart? I'm sure I have
Talk to any of your exes? not very often
Do you think you are a good boyfriend/girlfriend? I sure hope he thinks so.
Have you dated people who were not good to you? ehhh, I suppose...I guess I was being used, which can't be good.
Have you been in an abusive relationship? playful fighting is not abusive.
Have you dated someone older than you? Yes
Younger? Yes
Do you regret anything that you have done with a boyfriend or girlfriend? not really
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? I've tried to give a second chance before and that just didn't work.
Believe in love at first sight? I'm not sure about love, but interest definitely...
Ever dated two people at once? I don't think I'm THAT in demand....no I haven't
Ever been given an Engagement ring? yes, yes I have.
Do you have something to say to any of your exes? Oh sure...John: you're a psycho hick. Jeremy: I should have kicked you in the balls for calling me the wrong name. Brian: you're just...weird now. Travis: I'm honestly sorry that our dating compromised our friendship. Okay, that's all.
Ever stolen someone's boyfriend or girlfriend? nope
Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend? honestly? yeah.
Where did you meet?: Perk
Were you friends first?: I knew who he was, and had an interest in him, but it's not like we hung out or anything like that outside of Perk.
How long did you date?: like I said, it's 9 months next Friday (the 13th!)
How long have you been married?: -351 days
When is your anniversary?: to quote Derek, "January 13th...Friday no less"
Was it love at first sight?: I feel so bad that I don't remember the first time I saw him....although I vaguely remember offering him the candy. I don't think I would have said anything to him had I not been at all interested...
Who asked who on the 1st date?: he did
How was the 1st kiss?: :):):) I was shocked at first...but after that, it was...for lack of a better word, "amazing"
How long before he said the "L" word?: uhhh....it was probably around 10 days...but I don't remember for sure.
Do you still kiss (Enjoy it?)?: hell yeah
Do you still do the deed?: why wouldn't we?
Do you LOVE his parents?: yeah, they're pretty cool (most of the time)
Does he love yours?: well, he just said they're ok
Do you have children yet?: I'd like to have one or two eventually, but not anytime soon
Who has control in this relationship?: Derek said it best: equal opportunity
What does she do that annoys you the most?: do we really have to go into this? The messy room.
How's the sex? PHENOMENAL!