Jun 02, 2010 00:19
Only two more days til the end of term! Considering I had two weeks off in the middle, I'm tireder than I have any right to be. I had this moment in class today when I was talking about Barbara Creed's idea of the "Monstrous Feminine" in regard to Alien, Aliens, Alien3 and Alien Resurrection, thinking how difficult it was to talk to stage one students about abject bodies, in particular, the idea of WETNESS (all the gunge dripping from the Alien Mama's fallopian SAC in Aliens for example). They tend to think that you invented this idea, that you enjoy talking about secretions, and that you're just weird to be enthusiastic about such things. Oh well, they are used to me by now I guess, and to be fair, I don't THINK I've talked about secretions yet. Or maybe even ever. In an academic context. And there are writings to back me up. Lots and lots of writings.
To be honest I prefer Alien to the others, there's some great writing about it, but it's just scarier in my mind. Poor John Hurt. I love him. And in this instance, Ridley Scott is just so much more subtle, with the slow build of the fear, as opposed to James Cameron who just sends in the Marines.
It has seriously been crap weather here since I got back. Last week there was a solid week of rain, not starting and stopping but just CONTINUOUS. Something like a year of rain in one day in parts of the country. Today we had about half an hour of sunshine, it was notable. I did a sun dance in the office and seem to have scared it away again. I'm sorry, sun. Come back! There will be no more dancing, I promise.