Apr 12, 2010 22:59
There's one of those writer's block things on the LJ homepage asking what you would do if your pet started talking to you and no one else could hear it. I personally think that would be one of the greatest possible things that could happen!
Apart from the good conversations we'd have about... the heater, and food, and weather, times like this weekend, when I woke to hear the cat throwing a mouse around in the hallway, when I came out in the pitch dark to check what was going on, the cat could have said to me: "Wait, Greta, don't step there!" in the moment before I trod on the tail of the dead mouse with my naked little foot.
Think of the other crises that could be averted. He could similarly tell me "Actually I don't feel like chicken today, I feel like fish" before I'd opened the tin of chicken!
And he could say, "I'm feeling a bit queasy, could you take me outside" before throwing up on the carpet. This actually doesn't happen often, but with catsick, a little goes a long way.
He's awesome, anyway, and I think I know what he's talking about most days anyway.
hypothetically possible,
my cat is the best cat