Woe is me. Non-problems. My abdomen.

Nov 04, 2010 21:20

Hi everyone.
Actually I've been struggling a bit lately, for no fucking good reason, I must say. My life is actually quite grand and I am lucky. I know this. The weather has been nice. I haven't been too busy. I'm writing 500 words a day for mininano, and I have a reverse_bang thing on the go that I don't hate: the art for it is pretty nice!

Mine aren't even "first-world problems" they're fricken first-world-non-problems. I've been a bit skatey-in-the-head and feeling underappreciated and unloved. People appreciate and love me, I know this. I however have a mood of sadness.

I feel aimless and purposeless. I think it is because there are no classes, and I'm not working on a project. It will start again soon (next Wednesday, actually) and the week after I am lighting-operating for a mixed-ability theatre production that Tony is directing. Also, my birthday is coming. 37 is a magic number, I am sure of it.

I think I'm a bit tired, is all. And while working almost 24-7 can be exciting while it lasts, afterwards, the come-down can be very wearing, because nothing exciting is happening and you're tired from all the work.

So: Good Things.
1. I got my car registered and warranted. LEGAL CAR. It cost rather a lot, but it is LEGAL. And safe.
2. My nephew Felix has started school (age 4!). He is writing stories for fun already. I'll post one here at some point, he is hilarious.
3.Me cat. Me husband. Sometimes both at once in a family cuddle.
4. Holiday (shock! horror!) planned for the end of January - Marlborough Sounds for ten days. Possibly the most beautiful part of a beautiful country. Quiet, reflective, beautiful peace and quiet.
5. My mum is doing well. She is full of beans and getting quite impatient to do things. She's off to the UK for a visit at the end of the month. It's still quite astonishing. She's become annoying again in a mothery kind of way, and I'm actually delighted that she's got the strength back to tell me what I should be doing with my life! That's my girl!
6. I've started drinking iced tea. I really like it. I figure it may be fractionally better for me than coke and energy drinks (yay antioxidants!).
7. I've just started trialling a kind of magnet insert you wear in the "belt" of your underpants. Heh, my underpants don't have a belt, but that's just the kind of idea. Clipped on the edge so it sits over your lower abdoment. Anyway, it's like a health magnet. Oh my word, I can't even keep a straight face trying to write about this, it sounds like some kind of vibrating sex toy. It is NOT. It doesn't vibrate, it just magnets you. And the idea is that it's good for period type pain and related symptoms. The good news is: three days since I started it, and in that time I have had no significant pain. This is quite unusual for me. I think it could be psychosomatic: but if it works, bring THAT ON. Also, you can do funny tricks whereby you can attach cutlery to the outside of your clothes on your stomach for no apparent reason. That amuses me also. I will keep you posted.

Aha, feeling better already. Living in NZ you get used to storms and weather systems racing through. I think sometimes my moods are like that. Oh no, life is so hard! Oh wait, no it's not! No one loves me! ABDOMEN MAGNETS! *shakes head*

Anyway, I've been lurking, as I do when I don't feel like having much to say. I don't know this is an improvement, but HELLO to you all :)

meh, call the wah-mbulance, random, my car, my life, rl, why hello

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