Thoughts on protocols!

Aug 01, 2010 23:24

Hi everyone!
So, I've been posting every day now for quite a while, with a gap for the big wedding trip of awesomeness, but I think I'm going to change my strategy a little bit. Because I've been busy with writing projects and so on, I've been posting religiously but being quite PANTS at replying to the comments that I get.

Please note! I am always - ALWAYS - delighted and tickled by the comments I get from you all. Often they are the brightest spark in my day, and I read them in my email notifications and think replies to them but DO NOT TYPE THEM IN. I understand that many of you are not psychic and don't know this.

Anyhow, I'm going to cut posting to every two days, probably, and in the other time of the second day, I'm going to try and keep more up with the comments that I get and the replies and so on. And, god forbid, read my flist right through and be more commenty there. I think this would please me more, and would feel like I was being less "this is my boring life" and more "how are your interesting crazy passionate lives." You know?

Anyway, that's the thinking at the moment.

It seems less self-involved and more reflective of how very much I love you all.

my flist is awesome, sam loves dean, year of posting, thanks!, big bang, late-at-night-posting, celebrate good times come on

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