Jul 20, 2010 22:51
I had a really, really, really good day today. There wasn't anything particularly of note in it: the weather started nice and went crap, as predicted, work was busy but not terrible, I had two meetings about promotions for our upcoming Wellington tour, then I came home and made lentil vegetable THING (yummy) and cleaned the kitchen and made muffins.
Some things went awry - I discovered a leak near my office window had soaked the carpet and four of the cardboard filing boxes I had stacked there. But the lucky thing was, two of them had the proofs of course readers in them, that had been returned from the Printer wrapped in plastic clingfilm and I had lazily just put them in the filing boxes WITHOUT UNWRAPPING THEM. So they were saved. And the other one was just hardcopies of meeting minutes I have on my computer, so it is all good. Although the leak? Three maintenance guys came by in blue overalls, and looked at it. Like, JUST LOOKED. Hilarious. I bent down to touch the carpet and show my wet fingers (it's grey, so the damp doesn't show up), and they didn't even bend down to see. I think they'll have to dig a hole in the wall to get to the pipes for the heating. This is our new office - it was just completed about two months ago. It's all nicely carpeted and painted and... not that well finished, apparently.
One thing that might have been bad was that the cat brought a bird in, at home. I went to clean it up, and thought... wait a minute, this dead bird... has two heads. But no, there was one that was whole, and one that apparently everything had been eaten of, except for THE FACE. GROSS. I would tell him off, but he's a cat: he's forgotten all about it by now. He doesn't understand why I'm not that impressed with him, he's such a muggins.
I don't know why today was so good. I woke up with a sore knee. Why? NO REASON. I am starting to get to an age where things sometimes hurt BECAUSE I AM OLD AND IT IS COLD. I have problems with my hands, and also one arthriticky ankle. And a knee? What? Anyway we'll see. It would be a bummer if it turns out that way, because I kneel down to sit and watch tv all the time, also to read. I don't know why.
I don't know, I just felt really good about today. I got some things achieved, I had good company at work, I felt on target. I made some good writing progress, and everything kind of fell into place nicely. Happy times. Often times this is filled with a bit of dread for me, because I assume a bad day will come soon, but I don't really feel that today. Today, everything feels all right, and manageable, and like goodness will follow.
I wish this also to all of you, many of whom who have been having a hard time lately. I'm thinking of you all today.
my brilliant career,
my life,