I logged in on my page here in LJ today and I saw that it has been 27 weeks sine I last updated....
So, first things first! I;m currently doing my practice semester, and my dissertation, which means that by March 31st I will be done ...done ....DONE with university. I'll be a Librarian officially now baby! No classes left. ZIP! NADA!
*sighs* I feel so good about that! However, that is then...Shouldn't get ahead of myself. Because right now...well I am doing the practise thing in the mornings....and then have work in the evenings. LOL
Doesn't that sound fun? Leaving home at 06:30 and returning at 00:30. Yeah man....I AM doing this and I'm not crazy. Mostly.
So any and all afternoons or mornings I have off I work at my dissertation and hope to God it will be done in time for me to go and graduate. If people wanna help I'm shamelessly begging you to. LMAO.
In other news, Christmas will unfortunately be spent here, but the weekend before that it's either London or Moscow...Ah, feel much better about working hours just by thinking about that. The other thing that's always a pick-me-up is that in March as soon as practice is over many many applications will be posted. Several campuses should be careful what they wish for because next year, they just might get it. Preferences are always lead by Glasgow and Edinburgh but the Peak District has shown much promise of late. Oh how I'll love next year!
In sad news, a my grandma the hobbit is in the hospital..she's been there since last week and she's probably not gonna make it, however I'm mostly worried about my mom. She's so down and sad about it. I try to remind her that gran has led a great life and after all she is 102...but yeah, that doesn't mean that I won't be ....down to say the least when the worst happens.
So that's it...whoever you are that reads this. LOL
Still love you all even though have no time to talk much, Hope I will sometime soon..or will have when I'm filthy rich from all the money from all the jobs.
P.S. Have jacked the icon from someone....whoever it is I am sorry but it is in sync with my mindset! LOL
P.S. 2 excuse the typos...have no time to check