May 06, 2006 07:52
Ah, Beta Chi banquet. Proof that, given the chance, IB kids, the pride and FCAT-booster of Seminole High school are, in fact, HORRIBLE HORRIBLE sluts. And the food wasn't nearly as awful as I was expecting! (Of course, Mrs. Meahl gave us the impression that it was just short of toxic waste, so uh.) And they gave us glowsticks! And the seniors made a music video about IB set to "Bohemian Rhapsody"! And Chloe&Marco&Chelsey&Amier were wonderful as usual! And I (surprise, surprise) won "Freshman Female Most Likely to Speak in Iambic Pentameter"! (The prize that went along with it was a Bush minion's autobiography. I told Mrs. Meahl that she has a very sick sense of humor.)
The rest of the night was a mixture of overwhelming joy and utter confusion (a.k.a. "me generally being cowardly and calling it confusion"). If I had to express it in AIM-speak, I'd say it was "OMGWTFBBQ X333333". Perhaps with more than 6 "3"s, and the "OMGWTFBBQ" in 60 point red font. Bolded. And italicized.
I can't think of one word to express the mixture of happiness, shock, and worry I'm feeling right now, so let's go with "hopeful".