Well F**K

May 12, 2004 17:18

So I watched the video of that Nick Berg guy getting killed......I don't know what to say....I shouldn't have watched it, I am actually feeling a bit nauseous.

I know that violence begets violence and you never want to lower yourself to someone else is level...........This was so savage....worse part is this is the second one that we have all been privileged. I am not sure what angers me more, that these people are gonna cut off someones head with a friggin steak knife, or that they are gonna video tape and rejoice about it........The guy wasn't even affiliated with the military.....just some dude looking for work.....probably hoping to make out well.....I heard stories of different contractors doing really well in rebuilding Kuwait.....maybe he heard the same.....so now are we gonna blame him for going over there to make some money?.....reason I ask because I hear all these others being blamed......Iraq police for holding him.....our military for delaying him.......bush for starting the war.....saddam for being such an a-hole.....here's my theory......how about we blame the MF'ers that cut off his head.....how about we hunt down everyone of those SOBs and show them how nasty the "white-devil" can be......maybe that isn't fair......I mean we did do some horrible things to those prisoners......guess it wasn't film worthy.......

I hope Bush wins the election.....because I know these extremist hate him......its time.....please someone....I am hearing all the crying.....let slip the friggin dogs already......
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