Aug 31, 2005 09:28
my last entry sucked so this one is going to be a good one. im having an awesome dat today. i woke up early for school which sucked but then chris called me and said that we had a 2 hour delay because someone had broke all the windows on all the school buses. then i didnt believe him so he told me to turn on the news and it was true. that was sick. then i went to play some halo 2 and he was on and i talked to him and he said that we didnt have school at all!!!! so i get to stay home from school all day!!! fuck yeah!!!! so im in a really good mood right now except that i have to work tonight (i really should be working now but i want to have the day off and not fucking work) and then on friday me and em are going out and i cant wait. im so happy right now
this is fucking awesome