The Mothership Has Landed

Apr 02, 2009 10:29

In the interest of consolidating things I decided to make my Mothership blog Zombie Monkey Projects, of which I already started to incorporate the GDDS and feeds into. It's long overdue considering that I currently have four blogs (including this one), two news feeds and many networking profiles. I need a singular place for all of my going-ons and doings as well as an all around personal blog, thusly avoiding having to take the time to re-post over and over again, which will save me an ass load of time and make it generally easier for folks to follow me.

I'll be transitioning from a blog to a syndication here on LJ soon. Just have to figure a few things out first, like how to make sure I get notices of your replies and setting up the rss feed in my reader for your posts. But that shouldn't bee too hard really.

blogging, zombie monkey projects

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