Philcon wrap-up

Nov 20, 2006 16:32

Well, as usual, Philcon was if anything else interesting. There were many fine moments sprinkled with frustration. But all-in-all I had a good time.

Art Show: The art show had more quality artwork then I can remember. Something I am beyond happy about. For many years the signal-to-noise ratio was abysmal with quality art being overwhelmed with horrid crap. But this year seemed to be able to move beyond that problem. My only wish is that the art show will follow suit with most other cons and become juried to help keep a consistent level of quality. And once again the art show director Joni did an upstanding job. My hats off to her for her many years of putting up with us quarky art-types.

Programs: This was a two-edged sword for me. Two of the three panels I participated in, "Aim for the... Preparing for the Necropocalypse" and "Horror Art: Why We Want to Make Scary Stuff", went off without a hitch and were more than worth being in. They were fun, filled with a genuinely interested audience, and my fellow panelists knew their stuff. But my third panel "Digital Art is here to Stay!", the one that I specifically asked to be created and was moderator of, was a disaster for me. The panel was moved to a new room and I was never informed. A total breakdown of communication on the part of Programming and the Philcon Information Booth prevented me from even finding where the panel was moved to until it was too late. I never made it in time to even sit on the panel. To say that I was pissed off is an understatement. All the credit and thanks in the world to radiofreerlyeh for making a genuine attempt in trying to fix this problem. Thank you Tony. You actions have more than likely prevented me from writing Philcon off for good.

PhilProm: This was a hands-down kick ass time. I will do it again if they have another next year (hint-hint to you Philcon powers that be). 'Nuff said.

So a big thanks to all you Philcon folks that helped me out and made the better parts of the con enjoyable. It's a year off but more than likely you'll see me again.


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