OK, we lost the damn election. Dammit. So having been cranky this week I'm wondering what's next.
geeksdoitbetter has some excellent points, and so does
yesthattomSo my current theory is that I should choose something to work on to counteract the tiniest bit of the social damage *them* being in control of the executive and the legislative branches (can't face the
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PFAW is pretty good. BB knows the ATMP people (as does beowabbit?), so they'd be able to answer any questions there.
There is also a question as to where you think your money might be most effective. There's a thin line between a lobbying organization that's so large that it doesn't need your money and a lobbying organization that's large enough to get somewhere. There are so many nonprofits out there with similar mission statements, all struggling for money, that it can often feel like finding a larger organization is more practical. I tend to prefer mid-to-large sized organizations with longstanding reputations (ie they're taken seriously) that tend to have a grassroots feel (ie they give a shit about me and actually really really do need my money). It's one thing to give my money to a cause I believe in; it's another to give it to a cause that can actually do something with it.
GLAD, for example, can always use the money, but is flush with donations from the marriage. This is their chance to explode. They've won a major battle (and it looks like the victory will stick) and lots of people have given them money so that they can take the fight elsewhere. This is the sort of thing you want to look for. It's critical for them right now to be able to hold firm against the Bush-led federal onslaught. It would be even better if RI (which has shown positive signs) joined MA. So this could be a really important place to put your money right now - they are the people in the courts fighting these battles and this is why my friends list is all married now :)
I was a member of PFAW for several years, and I certainly like their politics. But they really annoyed me with misuse of statistics and rhetoric (and ignored my requests that they fix their errors or at least admit them). Somehow that bothers me even more in a group dedicated to correcting errors on the part of others.
I think I'm settling on the idea of AtMP, what with all the good things folks have said and my impression of how effective they are with the small staff and budget they have.
*smile* let's hope the victory sticks, though! I didn't know that RI was thinking of joining in. That's a lovely thing to know with all the initiatives this past election. *sigh*
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