Friends are something to behold...

Aug 22, 2009 08:18

I have had some many friends come and go over the years and that is sometimes the hardest thing to loose. Especially when your best friend after being friends for as long as you can remember decides that your friendship is not as important as lies and deceit from other sources.

It's hard to put into words! I am just glad I have friends who have stuck by me, and I have friends that I stick behind no matter what. Just do not lie, steal or use me for your own ends and I will be there always be there if possible.

I have tried to reconnect with a friend who I lost due to his wife deciding I was not safe with her kids because 'the church says all gay men will hurt and harm innocent children, that's what they do!' People I grew up with, went to high-school with, was in their wedding. How wrong they were, how hateful that comment was. I told them to call when they remembered, now that has been over 8 years.

Now I look back, I should have said something, should have done more. But the hurt was too great, I have come across their kids on Facebook and Myspace! They kids are in High School, they look so much like their parents.

After my mom got sick, and when she died I tried to contact them. Only was able to find the children and didn't want to pull them into a situation that they would not remember or know who I was.
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