Mar 26, 2007 19:01
Well, for some of you know, I was home to visit my family in Albert Lea, MN. Left on Friday, March 16 and returned Sunday, March 25. It was a good visit, almost three years since I have been home to visit any of my family.
Here is a small list of what I did.
1. Did a family day, celebrating my mother and step-fathers anniversary. As well as Christmas with most of my nieces/nephews and brother/sisters on my mothers side. Yes, way past the normal "hooo, hooo, hooo, holiday".
2. Visited with my father, step-mother and brother (he is only 18, and damn, if he wasn't my brother, would be thinking bad thoughts). Taller then the rest of his brothers and sisters. Almost 6 foot-plus.
3. Visited with a cousin and his wife. They just got married last year, was suppose to be home and part of the wedding, but didn't have the money or free time to head home.
4. Found out that my High School was torn down. Originally after they opened the new one, they were going to revamp the old one into offices/conference/rec center. The contractor who bought it LIED and scampered after stripping all resell-able items.
5. Went to visit good friends down in Ames, IA. Had a 'wonderful time' visiting them. Could only do about a whole day, since it was middle of the week.
6. Did the "dig through all of my stuff in storage at my sisters, and trying to figure out how to get it home on what I am keeping" visits to sisters house.
7. Found out two of my best straight friends are no longer together after 16 years. Broke up just about when I arrived and wasn't able to find out until I leaving.
8. Got together with more family at relatives in Minneapolis and St. Paul before heading home.
9. Glad to be home and be with my cub. Missed him terrible while I was visiting family. Especially since they want to meet him. LOVE YOU MATT!
As to the full details on visits and family. Will be planning on posting some shoots of family and chatting on about friends I was able to visit. Also plan on getting on here more, so write me, call me, poke me hard! Get me to spill on where I am and where I am going!
Oh, and the best part was, I had just gotten hired by the company I was temping with three weeks before I went to visit family.