Jun 22, 2007 00:43
"joyeux noel"
it's a no man's land
all days but one
so we walk we talk
we lay down our guns
put on hold: neither lost or won
in this great war we find faith in common tongue
I watched the movie "joyeux noel" tonight.
It is about how on christmas eve in 1914 during WWI: french, german, and scottish soldiers laid down their guns for christmas eve and christmas day to celebrate together and bury their dead.
It really moved me, so much that i felt compelled to write about it.
It is incredible how some of these men one day were shooting at each other and the next having drinks and singing christmas carols. It makes you think what was it all for? I'll paraphrase a quote that has always stuck with me, Ive thought about what if this war hadn't started, maybe some of these men we've been fighting with could have become great friends.
Many people including myself have overlooked this war in American and world history.
It was the war to end all wars(aren't they all?)
20 million people lost their lives in this war, and for what? inches of land
Today's war is obviously covered a lot on the news but it makes me think that this war is already becoming a forgotten war. People, including myself, live their lives without change. War isn't the same as it was back then. All American life became about the war effort. Now we see it on CNN and change the channel and its gone. I wish there was a way to end all wars, but truth is, war is never going away like it or not. It is a shame that people can't just set aside their differences and be at peace. I'll end with a quote that I feel sums it all up
All wars are different
All wars are the same