Seeing my family again (first time since last year, for me) was nice. Lots of people to pawn Liv off on. Happily, she was generally in a good mood and not too fussy, and had everyone wrapped around her finger by the time we left
( Read more... ) all depends on how you define "nice", really. In a love/hate way?
Sounds like your Easter was nice. I'm working every bit of overtime I can right now so I can take some time when the baby's born, so we didn't do much.
Yeah. It wasn't bad. I would have been happier without the trashed knee, but it wouldn't be my life if I wasn't incapacitated in one way or another. *sigh*
You mean I haven't?! Kevin was supposed to have sent some last month! I've been too busy to think, much less send mail lately. 'Scuse me while I go yell at my husband. Check your mail soon.
Sounds like your Easter was nice. I'm working every bit of overtime I can right now so I can take some time when the baby's born, so we didn't do much.
Right, Sam. I believe that.
Send sonogram pictures, man!
*eyes Kevin* Our fridge needs more decorations.
And I'll resend you the New York address so we'll get them faster. :)
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