The Friday Five, 10/11/2024

Oct 10, 2024 15:35

From thefridayfive:

1. If you could live in any city in the world, where would you live and why?
Probably Amsterdam, The Netherlands, since the country seems to have a lot of great perks like having a higher Anglophone population than America (and in some cases, they actually speak English far better), being far more culturally and socially tolerant, crime and delinquency not being problems to the point where they've had to shut down prisons, good jobs in most fields across the country, and high income with medium cost of living. Anything to get the fuck out of my shithole country (not the fault of any specific politician or party, but pretty much everyone like the corrupt-as-fuck media, terminally-cancerous political culture, and lumpenproletariat population that act like everything's fine, which in many cases has resulted from said media).

2. If you could speak any language fluently, what would it be?
Probably Spanish since it find it very arousing.

3. When was the last time you rode a ferry and where did you go?
I think...Alaska in a vacation I took with my parents the last decade, but I don't remember the specific circumstances.

4. What was the longest plane ride you've ever taken?
Maybe from Alaska back to Texas in returning from said vacation.

5. If you discovered a country, what would you name it?
Maybe San Galeno, a variation of my last name and pen surname adapted from it.

the netherlands, vacations, texas, politics, alaska, family

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