Apr 03, 2005 01:12
I spent all day at a wedding today. The sun was blazing throughout, everyone was wearing hats. It was a terrifying experience.
Anyway. The wedding was fairly nice..although I wasn't aware weddings had Audience Participation (everyone had to say "We Will" to something like "Will you respect and support this couple, etc". I dunno. It could have been "Will you sacrifice a goat on the second Tuesday of every month?" I wasn't really listening.). But yes. I got slightly bothered by the fact that I seemed to be the only one there who was alone. I mean..it's a massive step-up from being single, but I was sat there, surrounded by couples. Literally everyone there had a partner with them. LE SIGH. Only 2 weeks until Anna gets back.
But weddings are weird..I mean..how d'you know if you're supposed to be with someone forever? I'd imagine that you'd just instinctively know after some time in the relationship. I know it's not as simple as "Hey." "Hello." "Wanna go out?" "Sure." "HURRAH MARRIAGE.", but at some point something's gonna click and go "Holy shit, I want to be with this person for the rest of my life". I don't think that's happened with me and Anna yet..well..I don't know. I don't think it has from my perspective anyway. That's not to say it won't, and I want our relationship to just go on and on and on and on, but I don't think I've ever really sat down and gone "Hmm. What would the rest of my life with Anna be like?". It's early in the relationship anyway, so it's probably too soon to think about stuff like that anyway. We've been together properly now for nearly 6 months..which is actually a long time, relationship-wise. I love her so much, and I think things are pretty much perfect as they are, save for distance and lack of free-time apart from weekends. But, y'know, in sense of togetherness, love, and whatever, it is pretty much perfect.
I 'spose every couple reaches that point when they think about the future..I dunno if or when that'll be with me and Anna..but regardless, I'm really really happy being with her, and that's enough for me.
I shall now turn off the saccharine.
In other news, job's going really well..I'm getting on with everyone great, and I'm picking up the job at a rate of knots.
Also, I've joined a gym. I'll be going 3-4 times a week. So soon I shall be ULTRA-BUFF CHRIS. And then take on the world using the awesome powers of my stomach muscles.