It's been a while.
Like a long, long while since I was last here posting. I'm sorry, I'm horrible. Though truly if people are interested, I've been writing a fair amount and posting to my account on AO3 under the name gremlin4. I haven't really done much with my livejournal account mainly because... Well... Is there anyone who even still reads this journal anymore?
Honestly, I fear that answer may be in the single digits. Which is why I'm focusing more on posting to the other website. However! I'm here today because there are a few things I want to ask/discuss if there's anyone out there. *glares into the darkness*
My first concern is OUaK. It's a beloved story of mine that I truly wish I could finish with its original plot, but that's just not possible. I've lost the original plans for each chapter and after some consideration, I've found my first plot line of the story to be kind of lacking. That being said, I still want to complete the story only... That means I'll need to update/rewrite it with a new plot. Meaning there will be some pretty drastic changes to the story and honestly, I wanted to get the opinion of those who read my story back in the good ole days.
There are a lot of questions I have right now, such as:
In the rewrite do you guys want me to still try the one-sided Reita/Ruki angle?
Or what about other side pairings like Kai/Miyavi and Kaoru/OFC? Both of which I'm not feeling really into anymore...
Do we still want to see those play out or would you like to see me mix it up more? Maybe some Aoi/Uruha or Toshiya/Shinya?
What kind of pairings would you guys like to see? What kind of drama would interest you?
Kyo and Ruki are obviously going to be the main pairing and the end goal of the story. *rolls eyes* I know way too obvious, but I can still make drama with other pairings around them or even from either of their pasts. Also, pacing? Before, when I first wrote this story, I was still very new to fanfiction and writing a longer story in general. I never thought of the mechanics of writing beyond what I was going to do in the next chapter so I know things were very drawn out in places they didn't need to be. I'm also very aware that you guys were very anxious for me to do something about the damned UST between all the characters, not just Kyo/Ruki.
Bottom line is that I want to get some feed back from you guys before I jump into this rewrite. It's going to happen this year. I promise you-- No! I guarantee it! It'll probably be posted on AO3 first, but I will eventually post it all on here as well. And I want those that have been here for the original to have a say in how this new story is written. It means a lot to me to have that kind of input from my readers.
Anyway, for those two individuals who read this - thank you! I love you guys and hope to see you soon. I look forward to any and all comments you have for me and if you have any questions or things you're curious about, go ahead and throw 'em at me.